Chapter 14

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"Come on kids lets go." he chirps. I shake my head no pointing to my iPod. "You can finish when we get back." he tells me rolling his eyes.

*are you insane? This is so much better than food* I sign to him. He rolls his eyes again.

"Hurry I'm staving." he whines. I give him a disbelieving look. Like he's really starving. I'm sure he's been in the kitchen eating. Wolves eat like they drink water. "I'm serious Tonya wouldn't let me eat. Something about it would ruin my appetite." he says rolling his eyes again. I laugh holding up a finger telling him one minute. They wait patiently while it downloads. I don't buy my music from iTunes unless it's special edition of something that only iTunes offers. I like having my CDs. I like being able to read the lyrics.

As soon as it does we are out the door. I know we are late because they were so nice to waited for me. It was me, mom, dad, Austin, Billy, Tonya, Zander and Emma piled up in the SUV that Billy keeps around for occasions like this. Everyone else we are meeting there.

I think that Zander found his mate. When he helped her into the car his face lite up. Now he keeps stealing glances at her. Yay. I can tell my best friend about me. Us. Austin the whole way has one arm around my shoulder and the other one in my lap holding my hand playing with my ring while I had my head in his shoulder.

When we get to the restaurant Austin helps me out while Zander helps Emma out. Aww sweet. I smile brightly at Zander.

*is she* I ask Zander as we walk in. He nods smiling. I wanted to jump up and down and squeal but one I don't squeal two we are in a public place.

There waiting on us is Kevin, Levi, Zev, Eli, Jimmy, Dennis, Owen, Allen, their parents, brothers and sister. Yeah this dinner is everybody birthday dinner. We do it every year on Saturday night after Austin's birthday but this year it just so happen to fall on Zander and I birthday. Billy rents a room at this expensive restaurant. Just for us.

"Your brother keeps shocking me." Emma whispers to me as we sit down.

*does it hurt* I ask her slowly. I was curious. She can understand short sentences. She just has problems with the long ones. Goofball.

"No that's the weird part they feel good." she tells me. I nod smiling. At least she feels them. I hope he tells her soon. I'm so excited for him. For them.

"You finally got her a ring." Tonya coos holding her hand up to her heart.

"Let me see." mom chirps. I lift up my hand showing the table.

"Your marrying him? You've just started dating." Emma says shocked. I nod in agreement.

"But we've know each other our whole lives." Austin tells her. I'll tell her why later.

"True when?" she ask him. He rolls his eyes.

"That would be a question for our mothers." he says.

"Well we were thinking this summer." mom chirps. How did I know it was going to be this summer? I just nod an okay as does Austin.

"Who's your maid of honor?" Emma ask me with hope. I jokingly point to my brother. "Oh." she says disappointed. I roll my eyes hitting her on the back of the head. "Ow." she whines rubbing it. Then I point to her. "Me really?" she ask excitedly. I nod smiling. This is perfect. My best friend and Austin's best friend. She grabs me pulling me into a hug and starts crying. I pat her on the back letting her cry. When she finally stops she pulls back wiping her eyes. "I'm so sorry I just got excited." she tells me. I wave my hand dismissively letting her know it's no big deal. "Love you Alex." she says. I smile signing I love you too.Dinner continues smoothly. All of us eating talking, joking, laughing. When that's done we decide to leave to get home so the party can start.

When we reach home Emma and I run upstairs so we can change. I just put on some shorts and one of Austin's shirts. I don't think I have any shirts. I think most of them are either Zander's or Austin's. Mostly Austin's. When we return downstairs people are already showing up. There's a few humans that were invited. Like the footfall team but they brought other people. So yeah. I'm sure the pack isn't happy because they can't shift now. It's going to be a long night.

I slow dance a few times with Austin and once with each of the boys. Emma and I stick to each other side unless she's dancing with Zander and I'm dancing with one of the boys. She only dances with Zander. I wonder if she likes him? It would make it so much easier.

We were getting to hot so we decided to go outside to get some air. We go to our little gazebo we have in the garden and just hangout.

"I like your brother." she blurts out suddenly. I look over at her in shock to see her blushing. Well that answers my question.

*really* I ask her. She nods yes.

"I know it's stupid he's so hot and well I'm not." she says. I punch her in the arm gently glaring at her. She's pretty. Crap I want to tell her so bad but it's his place to tell her. "What Alex? He could never like someone like me." she huffs. I sigh shaking my head.

*look at me and Austin* I sign slowly to her.

"Yeah well." she huffs. "You can tell he's in love with you." she says. Well if it was so dang obvious why did I miss it?

*you'd be surprised* I sign slowly. She just shakes her head no. Dang it. After this party we are telling her. Probably in the morning. We sit there in comfortable silence just swinging when four huge unknown males come out of the woods into the backyard. I sniff the air and freeze. Rouges.

No I can't this time I have Emma here. I wasn't sure what to do so I push Emma telling her to get up and run but she doesn't. She just sits there. Scream something Em I wanted to scream at her but couldn't. I don't think she understands that this is bad. I'm scared shitless here. I stand up pulling Emma with me and pushing her behind me. Not even thinking of what's behind me.

"Well, well, well if it isn't little Alexia." one taunts coming closer. How did he know my name?

"Alex what's going on?" Emma ask. Shhh Emma they might let you go. I wanted to say but couldn't. What do I do? I need to get her out of here but how?

Suddenly I hear her screaming. I quickly turn around only to see some more rouges pulling her over the gazebo railing.

I quickly try to grab her but I wasn't fast enough. Crap they are going to kill her. I quickly jump over the railing to help her but then I'm hit in the back of the head and everything goes black.


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