Chapter 27

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I couldn't handle. I had to leave. My wolf was going nuts. He didn't like her being cut open and frankly I couldn't handle it either. So I made Zander go in there. Alex luckily understood. She didn't want me to kill everyone that was in there. So I paced the hall for I don't know how long. It felt like days but it was only hours. I paced and paced. Emma would bring me coffee every now and then and I don't know why. I don't drink the stuff. I guess she thought she was helping.

Mom and Janice paced with me half the time. Dad and Tristan just got back not to long ago. They stayed back with a few of the guys and cleaned up the mess. Then left again to get us dinner and dad had to pull Tristan out because he wanted to go ape shit too. I don't blame him though. I feel the exact same way.

I still don't know who killed Zev. I feel horrible but look what he tried to do to Alex. Friend or not that's unforgivable. I don't know what made him change like that. It's just so unreal to me. I guess well never know what was going on in his head.

"Austin." Zander says. I stop on my tracks and turn around. He is smiling with a pink bundle in his hands.

"How is she?" I ask walking up to him.

"She's fine sleeping right now. They both are." he says lifting up his arm. I look down and there it is.

"Boy or girl?" I ask him looking at the blanket.

"Girl." he answers handing her to me. I take her removing the blanket from her face. She's beautiful. Just like her momma. My wolf sighs in content. I think I've turned into a girl myself. Because the water works just came pouring out. I sit down just staring at her in awe.

"Awww, What's her name?" Emma ask. I just shrug because we haven't decided on a name yet. We've picked out several and was in the process of narrowing them down. I want Alexis because it's almost like Alex's name.

"She's beautiful." mom coos. I nod caressing her cheek. Shit my baby. I'm holding my baby. My baby girl. Duh Austin I think to myself.

"Oh my god!" I hear Tristan say. I look up and see him staring at our baby in tears. "I have a grand daughter!" he says happily.

"We have a grand daughter." mom corrects him.

"Whatever women." Tristan huffs. "Give me my grand daughter." he says. I shake my head no as my wolf growls. Yeah. We are going to have a problem. I don't think my wolf will let anyone near neither of them for a while. Not after almost losing them.

"Uh Tristan I don't think anyone will be holding her for a while." dad tells him. I nod in agreement turning my attention back to my baby girl. Tristan groans and moves Emma from her chair so he can sit next to me. That we will allow. They coo over her standing around me. Mom and Janice both cry off and on. Dad and Tristan brag about their grand daughter to pack members who come down to see her.

Then finally the doctor comes out and tells me about Alex. Saying that she will be sore for a while. And gives me instructions on her hand. That apparently that asshole stomped on and broke her fingers. That pissed me off. Luckily I was holding my baby girl so she kept me from ripping out throats.

Then she tried to take my baby girl from me. Hahaha. Not. So she gave up and had me follow her so she could look at her. We went off and cleaned her up. She did some test. She told more about Alex. How the surgery went successful and how she doesn't think Alex will have anymore problems but she will just keep an eye on her heart just in case. I listened to everything she told me.

Finally I got to go back and see Alex. The family stayed with her while I went and stayed with the baby. I sat in a chair beside her holding my baby until Alex woke up. You don't think this baby is going to be spoiled do you? Yeah me neither. Right.

"Hey." I say once Alex was awake and fully alert.

"Hey." she whispers. "Where is it? What is it? Is it okay?" she ask panicked sitting up.

"Calm down." I chuckle. I don't think she noticed the bundle in my arm. "She's fine." I hint.

"She?" she ask. I nod.

"She." I say and stand up. I gently put her in her arm that isn't broken. She goes to remove the blanket from the baby's face but she can't because her hand is in a cast. So I help her. She starts to tear up.

"She's beautiful." she sniffs.

"I know." I say cockily. What we made one beautiful baby. "What do you want to name her?" I ask.

"Alexis Rayne." she says with hope.

"Perfect." I say happily.

"Alexis Rayne Wolfe." she coos to Alexis. I nod in agreement.

"You know I wish I could hold my grand daughter." Tristan huffs. Alex shakes her head no.

"Yeah I'd like to hold my niece." Zander huffs.

"Sorry guys." Alex says.

"Your wolf." Janice says. Alex nods. They nod in understanding.

Alex's wolf must be going to be difficult too. Hopefully this brings out her wolf. I feel something. It's just barely there but it's something. I sit on the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her concerned.

"Sore but fine." she tells me. I nod. That's not really what I'm talking about.

"Your throat?" I ask.

"Surprisingly fine." she says. I nod again. "When can I get out of here?" she ask me. I'm shocked. She's been beat up badly, almost lost her baby, had surgery and she wants to leave? I think not.

"Not for a couple of days." I tell her. She nods sighing. "How are you feeling about everything?" I ask her. She's been thru so much. I hope it doesn't scar her to much. I guess it's bound to in some way.

"I'm fine honestly Austin." she says.

"I'm just worried about you." I tell her honestly.

"I know but I'm fine." she says. I'll let it go but I will keep an eye on her.

We sit there while she coos or well while we all coo over Alexis. When she starts getting tired again. I take Alexis from her and let her sleep. While I hold Alexis in one arm and Alex's hand with the other. The one that isn't broken. When she's sleeping peacefully I put Alexis to bed and sat back down laying my head on the bed next to her stomach. Exhaustion finally hitting me.

My thoughts are consumed of Alex and Alexis when I doze of to sleep. My family.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One chapter left guys. Enjoy! :)

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