Chapter 8

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My head hurts so bad. What happen? I try to open my eyes but they won't budge. When I finally do everything is to bright and blurry.

"Alexis baby you okay?" I hear mom ask. I turn my head and blink a few times trying to focus my eyes.

*Austin where's Austin* I ask signing closing my eyes again. It hurts so much.

"What happen baby?" mom ask.

*Austin where's Austin* I ask again.

"He went for a run." I hear Billy say. "Can you tell us what happen?" he ask me. I shake my head no. I can't remember.

The last thing I remember was Austin telling me was it'll be okay then leaving walking to the nurses office, oh crap! Then him yanking me and then. Oh my god. He..he tried. Oh my god.

*did he succeed* I ask with tears.

"No baby Austin got there in time." mom tells me sniffling. I hear the front door open and close.

"Shhh Alex I'm here." I hear Austin say lifting up my upper body. I grab his shirt and just cry as he held me. "It's okay." he coos rocking me back and fourth. "I'm so sorry Alex it's all my fault." he whispers. I shake my head no crying. It's not his fault. He tried.

I should have done something but he was so much stronger than me. I couldn't fight back. I cry for how long I don't know. When I'm done I wipe my face and snot on Austin's shirt. I silently laugh lifting up my head and pointing to his shirt. He just shrugs. "You okay?" he ask me. I nod yes.

"Can you tell us what happen?" Billy ask again. I nod yes as mom hands me some water and pills. I drink it down then hand it back to her. I lift up my hands to start signing but the my are shaking so bad. Austin takes them in his hands.

"It's okay take a deep breathe." he coos. I nod closing my eyes taking a couple of deep breathes letting them out slowly. I open my eyes to see Austin staring at me with concern. "Better?" he ask. I nod again. He lets go of my hands and I begin.

*after Austin tried to stop it I went out and headed for the nurses office but he yanked me by the arm dragging me in the opposite direction. I tried kicking, punching, scratching, but nothing worked. I tried I really did. He took me to the janitors closet and started yanking at my shirt to find Austin's mark but when he couldn't find it he started saying how Austin wasn't my mate and I was going to be punished for making him out to look like a fool. How we all were. Then he slammed my head against the wall and the last thing I remember was my shirt being torn. I tried to stop it I did I kicked, slapped, punched, bit, scratched, kneed anything I could think of but it didn't faze him I tried everything you guys taught me. I'm sorry I'm so sorry.* I sign to them frantically crying.

"Shhh you did good Al I promise you did." Austin coos pulling me to him again holding me.

"I'm killing that son of a bitch?" Zander growls punching a wall.

"No he's mine!" Austin growls.

"Boys quit taking it out on the walls." Tonya huffs.

"Come on let's get you to bed." Austin whispers to me. I nod an okay. He stands up taking me with him carrying me bridle style.

He carries me up to my room putting me to bed. He lays me down covering me up fixing to leave but I grab his arm. He nods a okay getting into bed with me. I lay my head on his chest arm around his waist and one leg over his. That's what I like about Austin I don't have to sign or say anything for him to understand me.

"I love you Alex." he whispers. I write on his chest telling him I love him too. Sometimes I think I love him more than just a brother or friend but I know it could never be.


Austin's POV.

"Is Alex really okay? She says she is but I don't know Austin. How could the school let him do that?" Emma ask me the next morning. I didn't want to but dad made me come to school to see if that asshole came back. God how I hope he does. I wanted to stay home and take care of Alex but nooo. Dick. She woke up a couple of times last night crying. I just held her while she cried.

"No I don't think so." I tell her honestly ignoring the other part because I'm the same way. I know it's partly my fault but how could that go on and no one not notice it. Ignorant teachers.

Our principle was upset. Damn right he should be. He got one hell of an ass chewing from me and my dad last night because he is in our pack. I understand that his office is at the other end of the school but someone else should have heard something.

"Can I come over after school?" she ask me.

"Yeah I think she'd like that." I answer. I know how close she is to Emma and I know she hates lying to Emma about who we are. I thought about asking dad if Alex can tell her but something keeps telling me I won't have too.

"You okay?" she ask me. I shake my head no and I'm not. I let her get hurt. "It's not your fault." she tells me. I scoff at that because it is. I'd be a sucky mate I mean I can't even look after the girl I really love. "You love her don't you?" she ask me.

"Very much." I answer truthfully. What it's like everyone else don't know. One more person won't hurt. It's not like I don't tell Alex I love her everyday. She just to innocent to realize its more than a brother way. Silly silly little girl.

I've decided I'm not going to this years ball or any others for that matter. If I can't have Alex than I don't want anyone else. It's stupid anyway. Twice a year if you don't find your mate in your pack they have this ball type deal where you get dressed up and go dance with girls to see if they are your mate. Stupid if you ask me.

Why don't they just save some money line us up and lets us just shake their hands? That's all it takes is the spark and we know. Waste of money I tell you and I'm not going. You usually don't have to start going until your eighteen. I'm not the only one not going. Alex isn't either. She already said it countless times that if he mate was in another pack that she's rejecting them because she doesn't want to leave her home. I wonder if she'd get mad if I just claimed her as mine anyway? Or would she agree to it? She's got to have some kind of feeling for me right? Ugh stop it Austin of course she doesn't. She think of you as a brother.


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