Chapter 21

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We are finally on a plane to Florida for Austin's and Zander's birthday present. Well actually all the guys birthday present. That's what I got them all. I just gave it to them early. Every year I get them all a big gift and a couple of small ones. It's always the small ones I have a hard time with.

Emma over the last three weeks have successfully moved in with us and asked question after question. We've answered everyone. She now knows what rouges are. What the pack consist of. She met the pack and they loved her. Of course. Who wouldn't? She's only meet a few in passing when she came over but now she has meet them all. She knows everything about mates.

Apparently that night Zander and her talked about it but he didn't reveal everything because he was scare. Now she knows everything and is alright with it all.

Her parents didn't mind her moving in with us. Actually I think they were grateful. They are not rich and have so many mouths to feed. Emma still works her one day a week job and gives them the money. She doesn't need anything living with us. Zander takes care of it all.

Our parents give us our own money which we've saved. No she's not using us. She didn't even know we were rich until the other day when she asked how we could afford all this. I told her the truth. We are rich. Our parents own a company together and run it from home unless they need to go in for some reason.

She does love Zander's lamborghini. She's drives us to school in it while Zander grumbles and rides with Austin. It's to funny watching him try to say no her. He just can't do it.

We haven't really talked about Zev. The boys are pissed as hell. I do know that he is living in the next town. His parents got him an apartment and he's going to school there. No they didn't disown him. They are his parents after all. I don't blame them. I don't think I could disown my kid either. No matter how messed up they are.They want to send him to therapy but he won't go. Maybe one day he will.

"You okay?" Austin ask me as he gets my luggage. I nod confused. Why wouldn't I be okay. "You've just been quiet." he tells me. I cock an eyebrow. I'm always quiet you twit. He rolls his eyes. "You know what I mean." he grunts.

*I'm fine* I tell him. He nods an okay. We go find everyone else. I guess they were waiting on us because they already have their luggage.

"Ready?" Zander ask.

"No I got to get the car." Austin says rolling his eyes and setting down our luggage.

"Oh yeah." Zander says. Duh. Austin grabs me hand shaking his head. He pulls me with him to the rental care booth. Billy already reserved us a car. He tells the lady. Well I won't say lady. I'd say girl. She's about our age and is flirting heavily with Austin. I roll my eyes. Not really bugged about because I know who he's going home with. So shove that up your ass and twirl it.

"Yeah I'm sure my fiancé would like that." I hear him say bringing me out of my thoughts. I'd like what? "Right babe?" he says putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me to him. I wrap my around his waist and look up him with a cocked eyebrow. "She wants to show us around town." he tells me raising an eyebrow. Oh I get it. She wants to show him around town.

*love too bitch* I sign to her. She looks at me confused. Austin chuckles.

"She said she'd love to go." he tells her. Liar.

"Oh well uh I get off at uh seven unless I have to work late but I have your number. I'll uh call you." she tells him handing him the keys. Right. I get the feeling he won't be getting a call.

"Great." he chirps taking them.

He thanks her as we walk off. We get back to our group with him chuckling. I push away from him.

*get the bags man whore* I tell him.

"Jealously such an ugly color." he tsk at me.

*I'm not jealous. I know who's bed you'll be in tonight.* I tell him. He nods pulling me to him leaning down.

"Most definitely." he whispers in my ear.

"Can we go now or you two going to get it on here in the airport?" Jimmy ask. I pull away from Austin.

*get it on here at the airport* I answer. He rolls his eyes.

"Let's go I'm hungry." Zander whines.

"You just ate." Emma scoffs. He gives her a disbelieving look. You'd think she'd be use to their eating habits. "Right I forget you guys are a bunch of pigs." she says rolling her eyes.

"Wolfs." Eli corrects her.

"Let's go." Kevin whines. Sheesh you think I have a bunch of babies in my hands.

We grab our luggage and head to the rental parking lot. We find our car or shall I say suv. And a big one too. We need it. We have eleven people with us. Austin, Zander, Kevin, Levi, Eli, Jimmy, James, Owen, Allen, Emma and me. We load up then get in.

"Fast food or nice?" Austin ask as he drives away.

"Whatever we come too." Levi says. Everyone agrees. So Austin drives until we find a small mom and pops restaurant. He pulls in and we all get out. We go inside and they start pulling tables together so we could all sit together. They let us of course. We order our drinks then food. We laugh joke talk. The dorks keep everyone there pretty much entertained.

After we eat we leave to find the hotel. Thank god for gps. When we get there we check in and go our separate ways to our rooms. They are all on the same floor just different areas. Everyone is so tired from the flight we just didn't want to do anything else. I went straight to the bathroom took a long hot shower.

*excited about tomorrow* I ask Austin after I crawl into bed.

"Hell yeah!" he chirps getting up. He leans over giving me a quick kiss. "I love you." he whispers against my lips. I write I love you too above his heart. He goes for his shower.

I've been thinking about what Emma asked me. If I wanted to talk. She also reminded me that night everything happen that I screamed. So I know noise comes out of my mouth but could I actually talk. I want to be able to tell Austin I love him instead of writing it. I just don't know if I can. I haven't spoken in sixteen years. What would I sound like if I did? Would I sound horrible? So I open my mouth to see what comes out. Nothing. I clear my throat. I try again and again. Nothing each time. I try to whisper. Something light came out. I try the word I. It comes out just barely a whisper but it came out.


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