Chapter 13

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Austin still hasn't given me my gift yet. Punk. After mom and dad gave me my gift and I irritated them some more. I went upstairs to my room to get dressed. I took a shower did all the girly things then got out. After I dried off I put on panties bra and one of Austin's shirt that came down to my ankles. Kidding but close. The giant.

Surprisingly being mate with Austin isn't that weird. We still act the same with each other just more loving. I like it. I love him. I don't know how on earth it happen but it did I guess the more time we spent together the more I realized I do love him and more than just a brother way.

After I get done lightly putting in make up. I didn't put to much on because mom says I don't need it and Austin doesn't like me wearing it. He told me that along time ago and I never did like wearing it either. Always made my face feel sticky. But I'll wear a little if it's a special occasion and tonight is.

Tonight we celebrate all of our birthdays. We all took Austin out to dinner on his then tonight we are going out to dinner then coming home for a birthday party. I slip on this little black dress mom got me just as Austin walks in.

"Wow you look beautiful." he tells me.

* I don't look slutty* I ask signing. He shakes his head no staring at my legs. Well at least it's not my boobs. I snap my fingers getting his attention.

"Sorry but you have some killer legs." he says. I roll my eyes. "Turn around." he tells me so I do. I hear him groan so I turn back around just to see him stalking towards me. He grabs my waist leans down pressing his lips to mine kissing my roughly. I don't mind. He breaks the kiss. "It's going to difficult keeping my hands off of you tonight." he tells me squeezing my butt. I slap his chest. "Now! Your missing something." he says excitedly stepping away from me. He goes to one of my drawers and pulls out some small boxes.

He walks back over to me taking my hand and pulls me to the bed sitting me down. He hands me a long box first. I unwrap it and open it up. Wow. It's a beautiful necklace with a medium size gold olden key on it with his name engraved. I look up at him smiling. He takes the box from me pulling the necklace out. "Because you hold the key to my heart." he tells as he turns me around pulling it on. Aww sweet but so cheesy.

When he's done I turn around and press my lips to his wrapping a hand around his neck kissing him passionately. He breaks the kiss panting.

"Not done." he pants. I nod an okay. "You know I love you right?" I nod yes. He sighs heavily. "I wanted to do this differently but with our moms." he says as he starts playing with my fingers. I roll my eyes. We'll be married in the middle of summer if not before then. They are already planning the wedding. Why? I don't know. Most wolves don't get married right away. They wait just like every relationship. I guess since Austin and I have known each other since birth they've suspected it. Sheesh I don't know. "Well." he says nodding down to my hand. I look down. How did he put that on me without me feeling it? I swear sometimes I'm oblivious to things.

*its beautiful* I tell him. It's a small gold engagement ring with three diamonds. One in the middle is medium size and the two on the side are small. Not to big and not to small. It's perfect.

"I love you angel." he says lifting up my head with his finger. I smile and write I love you too above his heart. He smiles and presses his lips to mine kissing me passionately.

"Man I swear every time I see you two you are suckin each others faces off. Break it up and get your asses downstairs." Zander says breaking us apart.

"Jealousy such an ugly look." Austin says shaking his head.

"I'm not jealous." Zander scoffs. "I just don't like seeing my little sister suckin her boyfriends face off."

"Fiancé." Austin says lifting up my hand.

"Congrats now come on." he says walking away.

Don't you just love the enthusiasm here? Really they are apparently everyone knew it was going to happen but me. They've just been waiting for a ring on my finger. Well this should make them happy. Mostly our moms. We get up and follow him downstairs with Austin holding my hand the whole way.

"Hey when does Emma get here?" Zander ask as we reach the bottom.

"Any minute now." Austin answers for me. I nod in agreement.

*you like her don't you* I ask him. He just walks away. Yeah I got my answer. He just doesn't want to say it out loud. The doorbell rings and Austin let's me go to answer it and there's my best friend.

"Happy birthday!" she yells running crushing me in a hug. I hug her back smiling. Austin rolls his eyes.

"I don't even get a hi." he scoffs.

"Oh sorry." she says pulling away from me. "Hi Austin but its not your birthday pipsqueak." she says. He cocks an eyebrow stalks over to her stands right in front of her towering over her trying to look intimidating. To her in sure he is but to me he's a big teddy bear.

"Pipsqueak huh?" he taunts.

"Uh well." she says scratching the back of her neck nervously. I silently laugh rolling my eyes. I grab her arm pulling her away from him. He winks at me smiling. "Oh here." she says handing me a bag. I take it from her opening it up and if I could squeal I would. So I jump up and down as she laughs at me. Inside the bag are the CDs I've haven't gotten yet.

I usually keep up but I've been slacking off. So she got them for me. Yay. I run to my laptop but Austin stops me.

"Wait." he says. I turn around and he holding out a hand telling me to stop. "No go ahead just don't put the songs on yet." he tells me running up the stairs. I grab my laptop and start putting the music on there. He comes down giving me another box. I open it up and it's a brand new iPod. I look at him confused. I have an iPod. He flips it over and it's engraved with both of our names Austin & Alexia = Forever with two wolves at the bottom. I stand up pressing my lips to his and writing I love you above his heart. I hear a aww and break the kiss. Oops I forgot she was there. He takes a deep breath as I sit down. "If you don't want that to get scratched up I got these too." he says sitting beside me. He hands me a black plastic case with the same thing engraved on the back and some see thru cover. I slip on the black case because I like my iPod with a case on it not because I want to cover that up besides its pointless anyway when the case is the same way. I start downloading my music when Billy comes in.


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