Chapter 23

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I roll my eyes for the billionth time today. I swear since I got pregnant his overprotectiveness has went into over drive. Yep pregnant. Oh yeah I did get pregnant that night and everyone and I mean everyone is excited about it. Even dad.

The closer I get to my due date the more protective Austin gets. Our pregnancies only last six months. So I had to walk on stage fat as a whale. And Austin is driving me nuts. It's his wolf and his human side coming out. His wolf is really protective over his little cub. I'm talking he is worried about me just walking. It's kinda funny actually to hear Austin give a low growl every time I take a step. He is trying to control him but he doesn't always work.

"Yeah Austin it will be okay." dad says discreetly holding two fingers up where he thinks I can't see them. I didn't miss it though and I wonder what the heck that's about. Austin sighs heavily.

"Okay." he says. "But if anything happens Alex, Emma you better call me." he says warningly.

"She'll be okay papa wolf. It just to the store to get cake mix." she says patting his arm. See it took dang near an hour just to let me run to the store with Emma for stupid cake mix. Because I want a big fat chocolate cake with tons of icing. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

He was going to do it but I told him no that I wanted to get out of the house for a few minutes. Then he said he'd go with us but once again I said no. It's just to the store there was no point in making an outing out of it. Plus I needed a few minutes away from him. He took that bad but I promised him it wasn't like that. I didn't want to get away from him I just wanted a few minutes alone without him and him without me. I swear we are with each other 24/7 not really but close and a few minutes won't hurt. So he finally gave in.

Emma and I left with Austin following because I can't put my own seat belt on myself you know. Note the sarcasm there. I roll my eyes as he does.

"Love you angel." he says kissing my nose. I write above his heart I love you too. No I haven't talked yet.

After the baby is born mom and dad are going to send me to a specialist. They've already started and I've seen him but I can't go any further that what I already have because of the stress it's suppose to put on me. I'm not sure what they are going to do to me they haven't discussed it with me. Just mom and dad. After not talking for sixteen years it's not in my head anymore. I can talk because it comes out in whispers but it's done something to my vocal chords. I don't know.

When we get to the store we go straight for the cake isle. We get different kinds because once my fat butt got to looking at them I wanted more than just chocolate. I'm a cow hush up. I decided I also wanted some ice cream with my cake. So while Emma stocked up on cake I went to go get some ice cream and I wish I never did.

"Alex." someone says from behind me. I turn around and froze. Zev was standing there but it didn't look like Zev. He looked horrible. Hair looked like it hasn't been washed in weeks. There's bag under eyes. He's pale. He looks like a walking zombie and I was scared. He stared at my belly fuming mad. "You let that mutt impregnate you!" he growls thru gritted teeth. I couldn't move. "You stupid whore how could you?!" he yells at me. "No no this isn't happening. No it must go!" he says but to himself. "She can't be pregnant with his mutt. It's suppose to mine." he mumbles to himself. What the hell is wrong with him? "No it will be mine I got to get rid of it." he says walking away. I didn't say a word just stayed still.

I quickly grabbed my two deals of ice cream. Yes ice cream is still important at this point. Hush now. Pregnant scared women not really in the right frame of mind right here. I'm confused, scared, angry and I'm not really sure what else. I quickly go back to Emma pulling her shirt.

*lets go* I tell her.

"You alright?" she ask concerned. I shake my head no.

*Zev* I sign.

"Shit!" she says pushing the cart behind her. We find the shortest line and hurry thru.

When we get outside walking quickly to the car. I see from the corner of my eyes Emma fall to her knees. I quickly squat down shaking her trying to wake her up when I'm roughly pulled by my arm. I look to see Zev as he starts dragging me somewhere. That's when the panic hits me. I know I'm slow.

"NO!" I scream fighting him off. I don't know where it came from but I'm glad something came out. I fight I do everything I can to make him release me. I scream, kick, scratch, everything. But nothing works. He has such a tight grip on me if he squeezes just a little more he'd break my arm. "NO STOP!" I scream as he throws me in the back seat of his car. Oh god I have no way out. It's only a two door four seater sports car. 'Austin please hear me' I send thru mind link as I still try to get out. "No let me out!" I yell fighting him. He pushes me back inside and pushes the seat back. He gets in the driver seat. "Let me out!" I yell hitting and pulling his hair. He suddenly turns around and back hands me.

"No now sit down and shut up!" he yells at me. I do as he says holding my cheek. "When did you start speaking?" he ask me calmly as he starts the car.

When you kidnapped me I wanted to say but didn't. I flip him off instead.

'Austin' I yell thru mind link. 'answer me' I continue to yell. (wolf I suggest you let me thru to him or we are in trouble) I tell my wolf. She still won't let me speak only to Austin and that's only in wolf form but I haven't been able to shift since I got pregnant because Austin and the doctor are afraid it will cause stress on the baby because I'm so tiny. 'Austin' I try again. Nothing. (you stupid wolf) I growl at her. Why didn't anyone see this and help. Stupid people. 'Austin please answer me' I beg. (if you don't let me thru bad things are going to happen to our child) I tell my wolf. Maybe that will get her to open up. Of course nothing happens. He drives us to an abandoned warehouse in his town.

What the hell was he doing in our town anyway?


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