Chapter 3

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After lunch Emma and I went to our fourth hour. We are just passing notes talking when the door opens up and two very hot guys walk in. Not as hot as the guys but still pretty damn hot. But I caught their scents and froze. Just because I haven't shifted yet doesn't mean my sight, hearing and smell is off. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't contact the boys. They introduce themselves as Damien and Jeff. Thank god in wearing Zander's shirt. They won't smell me. Maybe his scent will override mine sense he is male. I hope anyway. What do I do?

"Psst." I hear beside me. I look to my side and see Emma giving me a confused worried look. Don't talk to me Emma please. I don't want you involved I wanted to scream at her. "You okay? Your pale." she says. No I'm not okay. Yes I'm pale I'm about the throw up. But I just nod. Oh god what do I do?! Phone. My phone that's it. I pull out my phone and start sending out a mass text. Rouges my class but before I can send it the door flys open scaring the crap out of me making me drop my phone.

"Sorry Mrs. Williams but there's been a family emergency and I have to get my sister home." Zander says from the door.

"That's fine Alexia please gather your thing." Mrs. Williams says. I didn't need to be told twice. I gather my things and stand up fixing to leave when one of them stops me. I stumble back trying to get away from him.

"You dropped this." he says smirking handing me my phone. I froze. I could hear the low warning growl from Zander. Move it Alexia. "Wolf got you tongue?" he taunts.

"Alexia." Zander snaps. I quickly grab my phone backing away from him. I go to the back of the class walking all the way around so I don't have to step anywhere near them.

When I get to the door Zander grabs my arm pulling me out of class where the rest of the guys are.

"Damn it." he mutters as we walk down the hall.

"Alex you okay?" Austin ask me. I just nod. "Liar." he grunts. He's right I'm not okay. Not only do I hate them but I'm petrified of rouges. I am of all men but the ones in my pack. How can I explain rouges. They think with there wolves and not with there humans. Make sense? They would rather just hurt someone than be kind. They are just cruel.

"What the hell is going on here Austin?" Zander ask him.

"I don't know but I'm sure as hell going to find out!" he growls.

We get to Austin's car and squeal out of there. Austin and Zander pissed, me scared. When we get home we go straight in.

"Dad!" Austin growls.

"Meeting room!" Billy yells. We head straight for the meeting room where Billy, Tonya Austin's mom, my mom and dad are with several fighters. "Sit!" Billy orders us. So we sit down.

"What the hell is going on!" Austin growls at Billy. Billy sighs heavily.

"A pack of rouges have moved here." he starts.

"What the hell dad?!" Austin yells standing up.

"Sit down! And let me finish!" Billy orders him. Austin growls but sit down. "Now as I was saying a pack of rouges have moved here. Not in our territory but close. Since the school isn't in our territory they have every right to go to school." he says. Several growls bounce off the wall and I have to cover my ears. "It gets worse." he continues. "Luckily they do not want a fight." he pauses. Of course they don't, they want an alliance. They'd get more people to abuse and rape. "They want an alliance." he says looking at me. Oh god this isn't good. Theres four ways that an alliance can happen. One we agree. "Something we do not want." And like he said that isn't happening. Two their alpha killed our alpha, three we go to war four. I gulp. An unmated female mates with one of their pack members. And I'm the only female. "Since the surprisingly don't want a fight there's only one thing left to do." he says. My jaw drops and my eyes bug out. He isn't really going to make me do that is he? He wouldn't would he?

"Like hell!" Zander and Austin stand up growling.

"I know that's why we came up with a plan." he tells us. Zander and Alex sit back down huffing. "Austin you and Alex will now be mates." he says. I look at him confused.

"How?" Austin ask like he didn't have a problem with it. Of course I'd rather be his mate than anyone else's.

"She needs your scent on you constantly. She will wear your shirts, she will sleep in your bed, you two will snuggle up together as much as possible, you will pretend to be mates no matter what. That means Austin no messing around understood?" he says.

"Yes sir." Austin says.

"Just until her birthday." he says. We both nod. "Then she can find her mate." he finishes.

"What if they are in their pack?" Zander ask. I shake my head no. No way. I'll reject him. I don't want a cruel man.

"Then it's up to her. She can be with him and in his pack or reject him." he says.

The female always has to go to the males pack. And I'm not leaving my family. My mate better be in this pack and I have a feeling he is. I just don't know who yet. I hold up two fingers telling them it will be the second option. Billy nods an okay.

"Alright you two be together as much as possible." he tell Austin and I. We both nod an okay.

"You guys keep her safe." mom says.

"We will mom." the guys say.

"Dismissed." Billy says. We get up and leave the room.

I go straight up to my room laying down for a while.

"Hey you okay?" Austin ask coming into my room. I shake my head no. He walks in laying on my bed beside me pulling me to his chest. "It'll be okay." he tells me. I fly up glaring at him.

*how is going to be okay when I might have to mate someone I don't love or even like for that matter Austin* I sign to him.

"You won't have to Al. You never know you might like him." he says. I glare at him harder.

*hes a fucking rouge Austin. No I won't like him* I sign. He nods.

"I know I'll stop it from happening if it does." he tells me.

*how* I ask signing.

"I'll mate you." he says shrugging.

*you can't do that you want your mate* I tell him. He nods.

"Yeah but you'll always be more important to me than my mate." he tells me. I shake my head no.

*I can't ask you to do that Austin* I sign.

"Do you love me?" he ask. I nod yes because I do. He's like a brother, a best friend. He is important to me just like the rest of the guys. "Would you do anything for me?" he ask. I nod again. "Would you give up your mate for me if I was in this position?" he ask. I nod once again because I would. "I love you Alex. I'd do anything for you." he says pulling me down to his chest. I lay my head on his chest sighing.

Then I make gestures on his chest telling him I love him too.


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