Chapter 19

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We didn't get up until late the next day. Well because by the time we got back after everything that had happen it was already pretty late. Plus I didn't want too. I wanted to stay in bed all day. I was still pretty tired but Austin made me get out and we met everyone downstairs and left to go home.

We stopped for breakfast first. Austin wouldn't let go of me for nothing. Once he had to because well I had to go to the restroom and he made mom and Tonya follow me in. Overprotective much? Why yes he is.

Once we got home we all went into the living room where dad and Billy made us tell them what happen and what was said the best that we could. So we did. From the time we went outside to the time we ran back to the safe house.

Then we went on to talk about my shifting. That's when they decided to have me try and shift again. So mom took me upstairs to get naked and wrapped a blanket around me. Then we went downstairs to the backyard.

When we got there Austin came up and took my hand. He lead me to the woods where everyone was waiting in us.

"Okay Alex think of being a wolf." Billy said. I nod an okay. I do as he says. I think about the shifting, the running I was doing. But nothing came.

"Maybe anger." Austin suggest.

"Possibly." dad answers. Austin takes a deep breathe fixing to unleash words at me.

"No Austin coming from you it will only hurt her feelings." Billy says. He nods stepping back. Eli step up smirking.

"I've always wanted to piss your worthless ass off." he says. "Your nothing." he says shoving me. "But a worthless puny mutt. What Austin sees in you is really beyond any of us. He could do so much better than you. We all know he can. We've seen it. I mean you can't shift, talk, fight." he yells shoving me again. But I'm not getting mad. "Your just a pathetic human. A nerd. Your not pretty hell your not even cute. Your ugly. Your plain your nothing!" he yells shoving me again. "Come on pathetic human fight me!" he screams. "I think I'll take Austin to a strip club and show him what a real women looks like." he sneers shoving me again. But nothing. He stops. "I've got nothing." he says backing away from me.

Then I hear Emma scream.

I turn my head to see that Owen has her by the throat up against a tree. What the hell? What does he think he's doing. He better let her go!

"Man Owen you better let her go." Zander says calmly.

"Why so this pathetic human can squeal on us." he sneers at her.

"She's not going to tell. Are you Em?" Austin says. She shakes her head no.

"Please she just saying that because there's wolves here. As soon as we let her go she'll run and tell. It's better if we kill her now!" he growls. I lost it. I shifted into wolf form and headed butted him away from here. He groans landing on the ground. "Well that worked." he grunts sitting up. I stalk up to him snarling in his face. "I was just trying to get you to shift!" he yells scared backing up. I hear Austin Zander and the boys start laughing at him.

"Scared Owen?" Eli taunts. Owen nod vigorously.

"Shit yeah your not looking at a very pissed off wolf fixing to tear your head off." he says.

"Alex back away." Austin chuckles walking over to me. But I guess I wasn't convinced because I stayed where I was still snarling at him. He gets next to me and starts petting me. I immediately start to relax. Owen moves away quickly.

"Next time of you want to piss her off Eli your doing that." he grunts.

"Better now?" Austin ask me. I nod.

'Austin can you hear me' I ask thru mind link.

'yeah' he answers looking at me confused.

'did you hear me last night after we got back here' I ask him. I'm confused.

'no I didn't hear anything from you besides what you said last night as we were running to you' he tells me.

'why can you only hear me in wolf form' I ask him confused as hell. 'I tried calling you to see if you were okay after I shifted back to human form' I tell him.

"Dad we can only communicate in wolf form. "Why is that?" Austin ask Billy. Billy starts to pace thinking. Austin just stands there petting me.

"Maybe.." he starts but stops.

"Maybe because her wolf doesn't trust anyone else besides Austin in wolf form." dad says.

"Possibly." Billy agrees and signs. "Maybe if you stayed in wolf form for a while your wolf will see what's she's missing." he suggest.

"Yeah go run for a while, play. Take the boys so she can see that she can trust them as well." dad says.

"Up for it?" Austin ask me. I nod. Hell yeah I'm up for it. I want to be in my wolf form for a while before she shuts herself off again. "Come on boys." he chirps. They all shift and we take off. Stupid big wolves. I'm half their size. While they are as big as horses, Austin a little bit bigger. I only come up to his legs. That's no fair.

We ran to the lake where this time Emma gets tossed in the water. It's nice to know in not the only one they do it too. Zander shifts staying in the water so she doesn't see his goods. We play for a bit in wolf form. I decide to get out. I go up on the bank and watch then swim around playing with Emma. Austin decides to get out not long later. He comes up and stands on top of me. Jerk. He pushes me down with his belly until I'm laying on mine with my paws in front of me. He lays beside me keeping one paw on my neck and a hind leg on my lower back. Then he licks me on my face nuzzling his face on the side of my snout.

"Awww cute." I hear Emma coo but I ignore her. I just enjoy this time with Austin. I lift my head licking under his chin.

'I love you Alex' he says.

'I love you too' I say.

'it's weird hearing that' he says pulling me closer to him. I nod in agreement. I'm sure it is. It's weird thinking it to him. He lays his head down on the ground signing in content. I lay my head on top of his closing my eyes.

"Damn it I need a camera." I hear Emma mutter.

"They are cute huh?" I hear Zander say.

"That's not cute. That's just damn right adorable." she says.

'did she just call me adorable' Austin ask me. I roll my eyes. Of course that's all he heard.

'nah she said I was adorable' I tell him.

'good I was about to go bite her on the butt' he huffs. I roll my eyes again although it has no affect. One I'm in wolf form. Two I have my stupid eyes closed.


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