Chapter 28

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It took some time but mine and Austin's wolf finally let others hold Alexis. Family anyway. And we still have to be around. They still won't let us leave her alone with anyone. Only I can be alone with her or Austin.

Everyone dotes over her. She's the first girl born in eighteen years. Yeah she'll be protected just like I am.

We had a baby shower for her and everyone in the pack was invited. It was a blast. Its funny watching the boys try and coo over her. It's to adorable. She's to adorable. Austin spoils her worse than anyone. She has him wrapped around her little chubby fingers like you wouldn't believe. It's to cute.

He sings to her, reads to her, plays with her for hours or just holds and stares at her.

Mom and Austin took me to the doctor again for my throat. Another one. My parents couldn't understand how a doctor says that my vocal cords were damaged but I could talk. So we went to another one, mom told him everything and he did test after test and found nothing wrong. So I'm talking now. So everything is good there.

I have nightmares every once in a while about Zev. About what happen and I know he's dead but it still scares the crap out of me. It's always about the same thing. I'll wake up in a cold sweat then freak out when I feel my flat stomach but Austin is always there reminding that I had Alexis and he'll get her for me bringing her to bed with us. I just have to make sure she's okay.

I hate them. Just stupid reminders of what happen. I go into labor Zev starts to freak out leaves and comes back with a knife saying he has to get it out of me and that he needs to get me pregnant. He comes towards me saying if I got pregnant right away I'd forget all about Austin and his devil spawn.

At the time I didn't know what he meant by right away until he started taking off his clothes and coming towards me. Luckily I'm not even sure who it was busted thru a door. Hell my eyes was closed. I was scared. I was about to be raped and my child was about about to be taken away from me.

I didn't find out until he started screaming at whoever about how they ruined his plans of cutting out my baby while in his words making love to me. Sick bastard. I don't wanna feel bad but I do. He was trying to cut out my baby while raping me. What do I have to feel bad about? I guess because a friend for eighteen years is dead.

I'd like to know what made him flip and what the hell was going thru his mind. I guess that's something we will never know. His parents did have a funeral for him but Austin and I didn't go. Everyone understood. They really didn't want to go either but I made them. He was their friend for eighteen years. Sure it hurt them knowing he turned his back on us and tried to hurt me but he just wasn't all there. We'll never know what made him flip but he was still their friend. They needed to say goodbye and show respect. Hell even I want to but I couldn't.

I just wrote a short note saying I forgave him a goodbye and had Zander put it in his casket. I'm trying not to blame him because I feel like something made him flip. I know I probably sound stupid but...I don't know. It just wasn't him.

Anyway Emma took the change well. She loves being a wolf. We go out for runs as much as I can. I'm usually to busy with Lexi. Yeah we gave her a nickname. I'm serious when I said our wolves won't let us leave her alone with anyone. I know mine growls if I think about asking Austin to go out just the two of us. His does too. So we don't do anything unless she's with us. It just easier.

Anyway Emma is pregnant now. She didn't fall pregnant until four months after she turned. Zander loves it. They are hoping for a boy. I'm hoping for another girl. We need more dang it. I have a feeling it is going to be a boy but I can hope can't I? Lexi needs more girls.

All the boys went to the what I call the mating ball and found their mates but those girls don't count. Lexi needs girls her own age. So if Emma doesn't have a girl I hope one of them will.

I'm still waiting for mom to get pregnant again. Sometimes I wonder of she's doing something to stop it but then I think that stuff doesn't work for us. Austin says its just a matter of time for her to get over being traumatized as well and then her wolf and the wolf spirits will let her. I hope so.

Everything is going good. No drama and everyone seems to be happy.

Austin only like it when I say I love you to him every once in a while. He still prefers that I write it above his heart. He says it's more special to him. Sometimes I think he's a girl. Kidding. He is just a giant teddy bear when it comes to me and Alexis.

He really keeps us close to him though. Even though no one is after us him and his wolf aren't taking any chances. When I did go running with Emma I swear Austin kept checking on me every five seconds. I don't mind though. I love him being an overprotective goon. I know he means well. It's not like he makes me stay close to him or is mean about it or anything like that. He is just there or checking.

"Hey momma." he says coming into the bedroom with Lexi.

"Hey daddy, hey baby girl." I chirp getting up from the bed as he sits down. He just gave her a bath so I get to get her ready for bed. It's our nightly thing. He gives her bath. I put on her night clothes he rocks her to sleep then I put her to bed. I get her dressed then hand her to Austin.

I watch as he rocks her sleep then he hands her to me so I can put her to bed. He walks up behind me putting his arms around my chest leaning down and we just stay there staring and smiling at Lexi.

"Thank you." he suddenly whispers in my ear.

"What for?" I ask confused.

"Giving me Lexi, loving me." he says.

"I felt bad for you. I couldn't let you follow me around like a lost puppy." I joke shrugging. He chuckles.

"I would have too." he says moving to kiss the top of my head. "I love you Alex." I turn around and write I love you too above his heart. He smiles brightly leaning down and kisses me passionately.

I'll never get tired of him. His kisses, his touches, his cuddling. Nothing. I'm thankful for him and Alexis everyday.

Oh if you haven't noticed my wolf is fully out. I don't know what made her come out but I'm glad she did. It's great being able to shift when I want. I get to mind link with everyone now. Although its a little weird.

Everything around here is perfect. I got a perfect family. A perfect pack. Amazing mate and a wonderful daughter. And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


IT'S OVER! :( sorry guys but it had to sometime.

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