Chapter 24

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Austin's POV.

Any day now and our baby will be here and I can't wait. Alex can't either but I think that's only because I'm driving her crazy. I know I am. My wolf doesn't want anything to happen to our mate and cub. So he's twice as overprotective than usual. I've tried to calm him down but with Zev out running around town its kinda hard too.

Yeah he has been spotted but only on the other side of town never near our territory and they say it doesn't doesn't look like Zev. They said he looks like a zombie. I think maybe he let his wolf take completely over.

I don't know I'm just worried that he'll run into Alex so dad put two guards on her when she goes out without me. And that never happens until now because she wanted out for a few minutes alone. I get that. She's cooped up in this house most of the time because my wolf gets upset when she's not taking it easy. Between that and me I understand she needed a few minutes to get out and it's not like the store isn't just up the street. So I let her go.

Alex being pregnant is amazing. Although she hated the fact that she had to graduate with a bulging belly. She worried that if the baby doesn't get here soon she'll have to walk down the isle as big as a whale. Her words not mine. I roll my eyes and tell her she's not a whale and that she looks beautiful as always. I love her being pregnant.

Her food craving are down right disgusting. Like one day I walked into the kitchen and she's sitting at the table eating sour cream and onion chips dipped in peanut butter. Right beside that was olives. Mind you she hates olives. She had those dipping it in chocolate syrup. Yeah gross. She made me try it. And yes I did because she started crying. And started crying worse when I told her that she was disgusting. It came out wrong okay. I meant the food that she was eating not her.

So I spent the next hour trying to calm her down telling her she wasn't figuring the food that she was eating was. Hormones got to love them.

"Austin!" Emma yells running inside the house. I jump up.

"Alex? Where's Alex is she okay? Where is she? Is she in labor?" I panic.

"Austin!" she yells at me slapping me. Well that stopped my panicking. I was in shock. She just slapped her soon to be alpha. She pants heavily.

"No she's not okay she's been kidnapped." she says between breathes. "Zev." she finishes.

"Son of a bitch!" I growl. 'Anthony, Skylar you have some explaining to do' I growl at them. They where suppose to be guarding her.

"I'm sorry Austin we tried to get to them but it happen so fast." Skylar says coming into the house. I snarl at them.

"If anything happens to her your both dead!" I growl at them.

"Son calm down." dad says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down!" I yell. "He took my mate and child. Don't fucking tell me to calm down!" I snarl at him.

"Your no good to Alexia if your not thinking right Austin." he says to me. He's right. I take a few deep breathes getting my anger under control but my wolf is fighting me. He wants Zevs head. "Which way did they go?" dad ask them as I try to calm down. My wolf wants blood. Pacifically Zev's. I keep breathing as dad talks to them. I fight hard pushing him down.

(come on wolf calm down we need to think. You can have blood later) I tell him hoping that will work.

(now) he growls at me.

(we got to find them first idiot) I growl back.

(mate cub) he growls.

(I know calm down so I can think. The longer I fight you the longer it will take to find her and the longer it will take for you to kill him) I tell him. That shut him up. I take a few more breathes.

"Let's go!" dad orders. I just follow. I don't even know the plan. Twenty of us go. Including the boys. I think they are having the same fight with their wolves because all of them are lowly snarling with their eyes closed. Ten in each vehicle and we our off.

"What's the plan?!" I growl at dad. Okay so maybe my wolf isn't all the way down but good enough that I can think.

"Really isn't one Austin since we don't know where he is. We are going to start at his apartment." dad tells me. I nod an okay.


Alex's POV.

He pulls me into the building and throws me to the ground and starts pacing

"I have to get it out." he says talking to himself like an wild animal. "It's no good. Yeah I'll kill it. It needs to be done she can't have that thing growing inside her." he babbles as he paces.

"NO!" I scream covering my belly. "You can't kill it. It's my baby!" I cry. 'Austin please answer' I cry. I don't know what to do. I can't fight. No one is around. I'm stuck in a building with a lunatic. I just don't know what to do.

"It needs to die!" he growls at me.

"Why are you doing this?!" I cry.

"Because I love you." he coos.

"No you don't! If you did you'd leave me alone!" I yell at me. I don't know where my voice came from but it's here.

"Don't say that of course I love you." he says kneeling beside me.

"I hate you!" I scream at him. He slaps me hard in the face.

"Don't say that to me!" he snarls at me. "You love me and you know it. You just...just need time away from Austin to see that." he says calmly.

"No I love Austin and hate you!" I scream at him. He punches me in the face causing me to scream. I shove him away from me crawling backwards till I hit the wall. He gets up glaring down at me.

"You stupid bitch!" he growls at me. "You will learn to love me." he tells me.

"No I won't. Austin will find me and when he does your dead!" I growl back holding my jaw. He kicks me in the face.

"No he won't he's to stupid." he laughs evilly.

"No you are. Your stupid enough to kidnap me and think you could get away with it!" I growl at him. He stomps on my hand making me scream.

"No you are because I will get away with it and if I don't baby you will die with me." he laughs walking away.

I didn't say anything. There was nothing to say I just cradle my hand crying. I don't think Austin will find me. I don't know if he even knows I've been taken. I hope Emma is alright. I'm not even sure what he did to her. I just saw her fall. Please let get be alright. 'Austin please find' I sob.


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