Chapter 6

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I swear time is just going by so slow. It's only been two weeks since we started this thing but it feels like months.

Since I have a human friend they put someone to protect her too. I hate getting her involved she knows nothing about this stuff and I thought about asking Billy if I can tell her. She has a right to know that her life could be in danger even if it means I lose a friend. I'm not worried about her telling someone I mean come on who's going to believe that mythical creatures exists. They'd most likely put her in a straight jacket and it's not like we shift all the time.

"Come on." Austin says coming into my room. I look up from my book cocking an eyebrow. "We are going for a run." he tells me holding his hand out for me to take. I give a look that says I can't go for a run and he rolls his eyes. "You can ride me." he says winking at me.

*pervert* I sign. He nods laughing.

"Yeah now let's go." he snickers. I roll my eyes getting out of bed and follow him.

We go downstairs to the back porch and he takes my hand leading me to the edge of the woods.

"Stay." he tells me as he starts walking behind a tree. "I know you want to see me naked but I promised you dad not yet." he says as he walks. I pick up a rock throwing it at his head. Take that mister cocky. I quickly put my hands behind my back looking up at the trees trying to look innocent. "Your not innocent Alex." he grunts. I snicker. And what the hell was that suppose to mean I promised your dad? Humph weirdos.

A few minutes later his big black beautiful wolf comes stalking out. I so envy them. I wish I could shift into a wolf. He trots over to me then licks my face. I scrunch up my face in disgust wiping it. He gives off a wolfy laugh bending down so I can get on. I do and as soon as I get situated he takes off.

I think him and Zander are the only two that realize I hate not being able to shift. Because them two are the only ones that will come get me and give me a ride. It might not be the real thing but it's close. Austin likes to scare me like now but I'm use to it.

He goes straight for a tree then will make a sharp turn or he'll go under a low branch so I'll have to duck and if I don't smack and I'll fall off. He use to get me until I caught on. He'd be rolling on the ground in wolf form laughing. Jerk. Like now he is doing it again. Tree, sharp turn, brunch, duck, tree, turn, branch, duck.

I guess he mind linked with the boys because not to long later they start showing up one by one. He hauls ass to the lake we have on our property and dives in. With ME still on his back. He does it every time. Jerk. I come up out of the water glaring at him.

*jerk* I sign. He doesn't see it though because him and the rest of the boys are to busy laughing. I swim over to him as he laughs and dunk him under. That's so much easier than it is if he was in human form. Take that you big dog. He comes up from the water in human form still laughing.

"Nice swim?" he laughs out. I glare flipping him off.

*I'm telling your daddy* I sign jokingly. He laughs at me.

"Yeah what he going to do besides help me?" he ask swimming to me. That's so true. He has done it a couple of times.

When he gets over to me he swoops me up like I weigh nothing putting me over his head and throws me back in.

*jackass that's no fair* I sign. I can't get him back now. Wolf form he can't grab onto me without scratching me and his big ass can't swim that fast, human form he has hands so he can and he can swim away easier. He just shrugs as I swim to him. I turn him around getting on his back.

"What are you doing?" he ask as I climb on. Big ape I swear. I didn't answer I just put my arm around his neck a chin on my arm. "Your just going to have me carry you around huh?" he ask. I nod as he chuckles.

"Are you two sure your really not a couple?" Zev ask irritated. For some reason he's been that way for the last two weeks. I just blow it off. It's probably his time of the month or pissy cause he hasn't gotten any.

"Not yet but one day I plan on marrying her." Austin jokes. I think. There was something in that that makes me think he wasn't but I blow it off rolling my eyes.

We joke around and swim for a little bit until mom and Tonya call us in for dinner. Austin shifts getting out of the water so do the rest of the boys so I won't see them naked. I follow them out. He bends down letting me get on his back.

Once again as soon as I'm on he takes off. He once again aims for the trees and makes a sharp turn or goes for the branches. In all honesty I like when he does that. I don't fall asleep. Zander likes to trot with me on his back and I've falling asleep on his back before. That's soothing to me. Weird I know but it is.

Once we get home I run to my room real quick and change clothes then go downstairs for dinner.

"Have a nice swim?" Billy ask me. I childishly stick my tongue out at him. He knows what Austin did to me. Of course they laugh.

*one of these days Austin Blake I'm going to shift and bite you on the butt* I sign. Crap I shouldn't of done that. Hopefully mom didn't see that. She'll start to apologize and cry because I can't.

"I'm so sorry baby it's my fault." she says starting to tear up. Crap. I give dad a pleasing look but he does nothing. Nothing he can do. I slam hand on the table getting her attention.

*momma stop it, it's not your fault it's not anyone's fault but those stupid ass rouges. The assholes who did it are dead right? She'll come out when she's ready. Stop blaming yourself. You understand me* I sign feverishly to her. That's my theory anyway and my hope. My wolf has to get over her being traumatized too.

"Your right honey." she sniffs. "She just needs time. Love you baby." she says wiping her face.

*love you too. Now let's eat so I can have some ice cream so doofus here can steal it me* I sign then point to Austin who's nodding in agreement.

Don't you ever get the feeling he just loves to annoy me?


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