Chapter 14

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When Oliver and Laurel entered the venue, they were almost immediately cornered by Quentin Lance.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Quentin asked.

"I think I'm supporting my family." Oliver said.

"The hell you are with my daughter on your arm." Quentin said.

"Dad, enough." Laurel said

"Do you want me to leave you two alone?" Oliver asked.

"Yes." Quentin said immediately.

"I meant for this conversation, not for the rest of my life." Oliver said, causing Laurel to roll her eyes at her father.

"I can handle this." Laurel assured him as Oliver and John left her alone with her father.

"What the hell are you doing with Queen? He killed your sister." Quentin snarled.

"No he didn't dad. All Oliver did was ask Sara to get on that boat with her. She's the one who said yes. And neither of them knew that the Gambit would go down." Laurel said.

"What?" Quentin asked.

"You heard me dad. You've spent so long solely blaming Oliver for what happened, maybe you should consider the fact that maybe Sara is a bit to blame to. And you're not the only who misses her. But was Oliver the one who drove mom away? Was Oliver the reason you became an alcoholic, no dad, those were all your choices that you've made and you've chosen to blame Oliver for all the problems in your life. I was angry at him to, but I can tell he's suffered enough for what happened and it's a waste of time and energy to keep being angry at him. Besides, he's different now and I want to give him another chance. If you want to keep being a part of my life, I suggest you get used to that." Laurel said as she walked away from him to rejoin Oliver and John.

"You okay?" Oliver asked her.

"Yeah, honestly, I think I've been holding that in for a while. My dad has blamed you for what happened for the past 5 years and before I could tolerate it, since I hated you to, but now that I know what you've been through, I can tell you've suffered enough." Laurel said as they heard a familiar voice behind them.

"Ollie." Thea said as she, Walter and Moira approached them.

"I thought you were grounded." Oliver asked Thea.

"I let her off the hook for tonight. Now, you two look awfully chummy." Moira said.

"We're back together." Laurel said and Thea practically squealed with joy.

"Congratulations, when did this happen?" Thea asked eagerly.

"The night after the Triad tried to kill me. We didn't tell anyone because we were still in the experimental phase, trying to see if we still worked well together." Laurel said.

"And?" Moira asked.

"And despite everything, we still do and this time, I don't plan on messing it up." Oliver said.

"Good. I take it your father noticed?" Moira asked Laurel.

"Yeah and he's taking it even worse then he did last time." Laurel said.

"I didn't think that was possible." Thea said.

"Neither did I." Oliver said dryly as suddenly, they heard shots fired throughout the crowd.

"Get my family to safety." Oliver shouted at John, who while he looked reluctant to do so, he understood and began moving to get Thea, Moira, Laurel and Walter to safety as Oliver moved to a different location where he removed his tux, revealing his Green Arrow suit beneath, pulling on his gloves, his hood and mask and moving to grab his bow and quiver from where he'd hidden them earlier before heading up to where the shots had come from, watching the cops take Warren Patel into custody as he did, also knowing that John had followed him, just like he had before.

Across the street, Deadshot was continuing to fire into the Exchange Building when suddenly The Green Arrow crashed through the window. He landed and rolled, ducking behind a column as Deadshot sprayed bullets from his wrist gun. Oliver returned fire, missing twice. There was silence as Lawton looked for a kill shot.

"Drop your guns." Green Arrow shouted.

I admire your work." Lawton replied. "Guess you won't be extending me any professional courtesy."

"We're not in the same line of work." Green Arrow snarled. "Your profession is murder."

"You've taken lives." Deadshot shot back.

"For the good of others." Green Arrow defended. "You're out for yourself."

Deadshot scoffed, then opened fire, spraying the column with bullets. As soon as the clip was empty, Green Arrow whipped around and fired, this time making sure to aim for the eye not protected by his eye piece, and then ducked back behind the column. He heard a body drop, and then waited a few more moments to be sure. Finally he peeked out-

And saw Deadshot on the ground, apparently dead, with an arrow through his eye.

He stared at the body for a moment, before a groan caught his attention. He whirled around to see Dig, slumping against a doorframe, wounded by a ricochet from Deadshot.

Without hesitation, Green Arrow ran over to him, put Digs' arm around his shoulders, and walked him out.

"Some things never change." Green Arrow said, making a note to call Laurel to ask her to meet him back at his apartment, since he was telling John in the same way as before.

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