Chapter 10

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Once the authorities had arrived at Oliver's penthouse, he began giving a statement while the doctors began tending to Laurel as Quentin rushed up to her.

"Are you okay?" Quentin asked her as he walked up to the gurney she was on.

"I could be worse. Could've gotten a bullet in my head instead of my shoulder." Laurel said as Quentin glared over at Oliver.

"Dad, I know what you're thinking and this was not his fault. Last time I checked, this was his apartment and I highly doubt he hired some thugs to shoot me." Laurel said.

"And I didn't. These guys are triad and I'm betting that the reason they were here is because Laurel is going up against Martin Somers." Oliver said as he approached them.

"What?" Quentin asked.

"Dad, you know he's in bed with the triad right?" Laurel asked.

"I do now apparently." Quentin said.

"Ollie's right, this was probably his attempt to get the case against him dismissed by having me crossed off." Laurel said.

"Not everything bad that happens to your family is my fault Quentin. And yes, what happened to Sara is my fault, but at least you didn't have to watch her die. I did and I live with that forever. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to call my insurance company." Oliver said angrily, since he was done taking Quentin's grief for everything before noticing Dig enter the penthouse.

"John, this isn't on you. I'm the one who sent you home for the night." Oliver said before his bodyguard could say anything.

"I should've been here." John said.

"No point in arguing over that now. I'm the one who said you could go home, thinking that no one would attack me in my own home. My mom gives you any grief over this, tell her I was the one who sent you home." Oliver said.

"Fine. Any idea on who did this?" John asked.

"Triad. Laurel decided to pay me a late night visit and I guess she pissed someone off in the Triad." Oliver said.

"Detective. We found these near all the men." one of the cops said to Lance, holding up an arrow.

"The vigilante was here?" Quentin asked.

"The Green Arrow saved my life dad. If it weren't for him, Ollie and I would be dead right now." Laurel said as the doctors wheeled the gurney she was on towards the elevator.

"Is that true?" Quentin asked Oliver.

"Not sure why you'd believe me, but yes, it's true. I guess he was tracking the Triad's movements and heard about what was going on." Oliver said.

"Interesting." Quentin said before he also left with the cops.

"John, go home, there's nothing left to be done tonight." Oliver said, since he had hunting to do and he couldn't do that with John watching him.

"Are you sure?" John asked.

"I'll pay you double to leave now. I'm having a friend install a new security system in here tomorrow and I need you fully aware and focused then, not half asleep because you were watching me asleep." Oliver said and John sighed before leaving again.

"Martin Somers, it's time to pay for your crimes." Oliver said as he reopened the alcove with his suit in it.

Martin Somers was currently preparing to leave the city after hearing that the Green Arrow intercepted his attack on Laurel Lance, he knew that he'd be coming for him.

However, he was too late as arrows began striking down his men.

"Martin Somers, you have failed this city." Green Arrow said from his perch.

"Good thing I have some friends." Somers said as Green Arrow dodged an attack from China White.

"So, you're the Green Arrow. I have to admit, I was expecting something more." White said.

"And I was expecting more a challenge." Green Arrow said as he took out China White with ease this time around.

He then fired an arrow pinning Somers to a shipping container on the docks.

"Confess Somers." Green Arrow said.

"No, the Triad will kill me." Somers said fearfully.

"What do you think I'm going to do." Green Arrow said angrily as he pulled out an arrow and held it right at Somers' head.

"Confess." Green Arrow shouted.

"Okay, okay, I did it." Somers said as he confessed, right as they heard police sirens arrive.

"Gotta go." Green Arrow said as he left the recording of Somers' confession before shooting a cable arrow and escaping, right as Lance and Hilton arrived on the scene.

"Son of a bitch. He beat us here." Quentin said, recognizing the Green Arrow's work.

"Yep. And we even got a confession of Somers not only being in bed with the Triad, but ordering the hit on Laurel." Hilton said.

"Get him in the car before I shoot him." Quentin said as he turned his back on Somers, not trusting himself right now.

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