Chapter 140

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"You're late." Emiko said as Dante arrived.

"Traffic was murder. Now, what did you want to talk to me about?" Dante asked.

"Why the hell you thought you could get away with betraying me." Emiko said as she tossed a knife right into Dante's leg.

"What do you mean, I'd never betray you." Dante said.

"Don't you lie to me. I know you hired Bear to kill my mother. So, before I kill you, tell me why. The truth." Emiko growled.

"She was making you weak, just like your father did. The council had to do something" Dante said.

"She was my family. And until now, I thought she was my only family." Emiko said.

"So you finally realize that the Ninth Circle are your family." Dante said.

"No. I realized that blood bonds us all." Emiko said as Green Arrow, Spartan, Arsenal and Frostbite appeared.

"So, you reached out to your brother." Dante said.

"I'm not even going to ask how you know my name." Green Arrow said as he aimed his bow at Dante.

"Pity I came prepared for such an event." Dante said as several ninth circle operatives appeared.

"Traitors." Emiko said.

"You're the traitor now Emiko. Unfortunately for you, I brought an army." Dante said.

"Look around. So did I." Emiko said as Team Arrow gathered behind her.

"Stand down Dante and we'll make it quick." Green Arrow said.

"The ninth circle does not tolerate traitors Mr. Queen. And that is what your sister is now. Kill them all." Dante said.

"This is your party, what should we do?" Green Arrow asked Emiko.

"You heard the man, kill them all." Emiko said.

"You heard her." Green Arrow said as he let his arrow fly and the battle began.

"You should've aimed for my heart with that knife." Dante said to Emiko as they fought.

"I have more than one." Emiko said as Dante pushed her away.

"You forget that I taught you how to fight." Dante said, right as an pierced his arm and they turned to see Green Arrow standing there, a bunch of Ninth Circle thugs lying on the ground behind him.

"But you didn't teach me anything." Green Arrow said as he fired another arrow at Dante and this time, Emiko fired one as well as the two siblings teamed up.

"You can't beat us both Dante." Emiko said.

"Let's test that theory shall we." Dante said as he tossed knives at both of them, only for both Green Arrow and Emiko to dodge them and fired arrows at him, only for him to duck.

"You two really think you can stop me?" Dante asked.

"I say we find out." Green Arrow said as he lunged at Dante, who immediately dodged and caught Green Arrow's bow with his knife.

"You seem to be the only one fighting me here." Dante said and Green Arrow grinned.

"No. I'm just the distraction." Green Arrow said as Dante froze as Emiko shot an arrow into his back.

"That was for my mother." Emiko said emotionally as she pulled another arrow from her quiver and walked up to Dante.

"And this is for betraying me. Rot in hell." Emiko said as she jammed the arrow into Dante's chest, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Nice work." Green Arrow said to his sister.

"Runs in the family." Emiko said with a grin as they turned to see the rest of Dante's men nearly dead, except for one man.

"Virgil." Emiko said as she walked towards him.

"Now Emiko, let's not do anything rash." Virgil said.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you, but only because I need you give a message to the council." Emiko said.

"And what is it?" Virgil asked.

"Tell them that I'm done with them and that the Ninth Circle's days are numbered. I'm cleaning up my past, which means taking them down." Emiko said as she pushed him into the ground.

"You can't just do that. You know they'll kill you for betraying them." Virgil said.

"They betrayed me first. And now they're all going to get what's coming to them. Now get out of Star City and never come back." Emiko said as she fired an arrow into Virgil's leg to make a point as he quickly moved to limp away.

"Thanks for having my back." Emiko said as she turned to face her brother.

"Of course. Welcome to the team. Artemis." Green Arrow said.

"What?" Emiko asked.

"You need a codename to be on this team." Green Arrow said.

"Artemis. Huh, I like it. The name of a goddess." Emiko said and Oliver smiled.

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