Chapter 64

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Since Oliver had even taken the liberty of packing for her before they left Star City, Laurel had no idea what he had planned for their anniversary tonight. He really was going all out to keep it a surprise from her, but this was one of those secrets that she didn't mind him keeping. After all, this wasn't really a secret, as much as it was a surprise.

So when she opened her suitcase, she was surprised to find that Oliver had packed one of her nicest dresses. It was a full length black dress had a lacy top that went down to her mid chest before turning to a solid black the rest of the way down (It's the same dress she wore to gala in season 4, episode 7, since she always looked very good in that dress in my opinion.).

Laurel smiled as she took the dress and a few other choice items from her suitcase into the bathroom so she could shower and get ready for tonight, since Oliver had already showered and changed into a very nice suit and left the room to let her get ready, though he still refused to tell her anything about what he was planning for tonight.

Oliver was sitting in the hotel lobby, checking his watch every few minutes as he waited for Laurel to come down from their room.

"You waiting for someone?" He heard her voice said and Oliver smiled as he looked up and his jaw nearly dropped at the sight of Laurel, since even though he'd seen her in that dress before, she still took his breath away, since this time when she wore it, he was actually paying attention to her, something he wished he'd been doing from the beginning.

"Yeah, and it looks like it was well worth the wait." Oliver said and Laurel smiled as he got up and kissed her.

"So, are you finally going to tell me what we're doing for our anniversary?" Laurel asked as Oliver led her outside.

"See for yourself." Oliver said as he gestured to a horse bound carriage waiting outside the hotel.

"You're taking me on a carriage ride?" Laurel said eagerly, since it seemed like this year Oliver was going all out on the romance.

"For starters." Oliver said as he helped her into the carriage and smiled as he nodded to the driver to take them off and he was thankful that he was once again rich enough to afford all this.

"So, was this your plan back in Star City?" Laurel asked.

"Actually I was just planning on taking you out to our favorite restaurant for a romantic dinner, but when I decided to invite you to come with me to Hub City, this idea just seemed a lot more romantic." Oliver said.

"Well then, I'm glad I decided to along then, since you're right, this is much more romantic." Laurel agreed as she laid her head down on Oliver's shoulder and he smiled as his hand reached inside his pocket as he thought about what he was going to do once they were in the proper setting.

"Why are we stopping here?" Laurel asked as the carriage came to a stop in the middle of a park.

"Because this is where the ride ends." Oliver said.

"Wait, so you brought us all the way out here just to make me walk back to the hotel in heels. Way to kill the mood Ollie." Laurel said and Oliver chuckled.

"Who said this was the only plan I made for tonight." Oliver said with a smile as he directed her attention over to the hot air balloon that had just finished being blown up for them.

"Wait, so now you're taking me for a hot air balloon ride?" Laurel asked, though now she was wondering if she was imagining this, considering how romantic it was getting.

"Yep, I figured the best place to make sure this date isn't interrupted is with a romantic trip in the sky." Oliver said as he helped Laurel out of the carriage and after paying the driver, he led her over to where the balloon was waiting.

"Do you know how to fly one of these things?" Laurel asked.

"I learned just for this." Oliver said, since he'd actually been planning the balloon ride for months, he'd just simply had the company move it from Star City to Hub City.

"Seriously?" Laurel asked.

"I've actually been planning the balloon thing for months. I just needed to make a quick change yesterday to have them inflate the balloon in Hub City instead of back home." Oliver explained and Laurel nodded in acceptance of that answer as she let Oliver help her into the basket of the balloon.

After the balloon was flying in the sky, Laurel couldn't help but smile as she looked over the edge.

"Everything alright?" Oliver asked as he handed her a glass of champagne, since he'd also packed a picnic for them in the balloon.

"Yeah, I just can't believe peaceful it all looks from up here." Laurel said with a smile as Oliver wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"It's a nice reminder of what we're fighting for." Oliver said and Laurel nodded her agreement.

"So, how am I doing in terms of giving you a good anniversary?" Oliver asked and Laurel smiled.

"Best anniversary ever. I don't think there's anything that could make it better." Laurel said.

"Well, challenge accepted." Oliver said, deciding now was the time.

"What?" Laurel asked as to her surprise, Oliver pulled a small jewelry box out of his pocket and then the next thing she knew, he was down on one knee, with the box opened, revealing a beautiful ring and at that point, Laurel actually pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming this.

"This is real." Laurel said and Oliver smiled.

"Dinah Laurel Lance. You are without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me. You're the reason of why I fight for our city. I am sorry it took me so long to realize that I'm the best version of myself not when I'm wearing a green hood, but when I have you by my side. And I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life. So now I have to ask you something that I hope you say yes to. Will you marry me?" Oliver asked and Laurel had tears of joy in her eyes as her response was instantaneous.

"Yes, of course I will. A million times yes I will marry you." Laurel said as Oliver grinned widely as he got up, placed the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately and they both swore they could hear fireworks in the background, though there weren't any happening.

Happy Valentine's Day. I figured what better day to have this chapter posted on then today. Hope you liked it.

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