Chapter 137

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"Is this it?" Oliver asked as Winn handed him a tablet.

"Yep. Thanks to you recovering the bullet that nearly killed Kazumi, I was able to back trace it to the rifle that was used in the shooting and then through about 12 different shell companies before finally finding the buyer and getting an address for them." Winn said as Oliver looked over the data.

"I'll get in touch with Emiko, she should be here when we get answers." Oliver said.

"You sure we should wait that long?" Winn asked.

"She should still be in the country and it's her mother who was almost killed. Only right she's here when we get some answers. Besides, maybe now you can tell me where you've been?" Oliver asked.

"I resigned from Argus." Winn said.

"What?" Oliver asked.

"Something my dad said actually got me thinking and in a way, he was right." Winn said.

"About what?" Oliver asked.

"About my genius being wasted just working for Argus. I'm thinking about starting my own company." Winn said.

"Really, no offense, but I can't exactly imagine you as a CEO." Oliver said.

"Same thing could be said about you." Winn pointed out.

"Fair point. Let me know when you get it up and running and I'm sure that QC will be willing to invest." Oliver said.

"Thank you." Winn said as they shook hands.

"And don't worry, I will still be on Team Arrow." Winn said.

"Good, because without someone running the tech backend, we're screwed." Oliver said and Winn smiled, though they both knew that wasn't entirely true.

At the same time Oliver and Winn were meeting, Roy was taking Thea out for a very nice, romantic and expensive dinner.

"Are you sure I won't have to pay for this?" Thea asked, looking at how fancy this place was.

"Relax, I got it. One of the perks of being one of the top cops on the SCPD's Glades Police task Force is a high pay." Roy said and Thea smiled.

"In that case, what's with this fancy date. Not that I'm complaining, but what's the occasion?" Thea asked after they'd finished eating dinner.

"What, can't a man take his girlfriend out of for a nice dinner every now and then?" Roy asked and Thea raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" Roy asked.

"What do you want Roy?" Thea asked.

"To ask you something. Something very important." Roy said.

"And that is?" Thea asked and Roy smiled as he got down on one knee, much to Thea's surprise.

"Thea Dearden Queen. Will you marry me?" Roy asked as Thea covered her mouth in shock as Roy produced a ruby ring from his pocket.

"Yes." Thea said immediately once the shock had worn off and Roy grinned as everyone else in the restaurant began clapping for the newly engaged couple as Roy slid the ring on to Thea's finger before pulling her in for a passionate kiss.

"Wait, my family?" Thea asked when they broke apart.

"I spoke with both your mother and especially your brother and they both approved, though your brother did threaten to kill me if I hurt you." Roy said and Thea smiled.

"You know he'll never get the chance." Thea said with a smile as her eyes briefly flashed silver to remind Roy how she could keep could keep him in line.

"Yeah, but did you really expect me to tell him that?" Roy asked and Thea laughed.

"Fair point. But anyways, should we just skip dessert and head back home?" Thea asked and Roy smiled.

"I don't know, I think we both have a different type of dessert in mind tonight." Roy said and Thea smiled.

"Call for the check before I decide to indulge this new craving." Thea said and Roy smiled.

"With pleasure." Roy said as he held up his hand to their waitress to bring them the check.

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