Chapter 67

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"So, who called this team meeting?" Winn asked as he, Oliver, Laurel, Thea and Roy all gathered around the base.

"I did." Sara said as she joined them.

"Okay, so what's the big deal?" Thea asked.

"I finally managed to get Ra's to share some more of the League's intel on Darhk." Sara said and that got everyone's attention, though Oliver was fairly certain he already knew more about Darhk then even Ra's did at this point.

"What did he tell you?" Laurel asked.

"Apparently Darhk was Ra's version of Slade Wilson for Oliver. They were best friends turned vicious enemies, simply because Ra's was chosen to become head of the league instead of him and when Ra's was ordered to kill Darhk, he hesitated and Darhk got away and when he left the league, he also took his own followers and water from the Lazarus pit." Sara said.

"What's the Lazarus Pit?" Roy asked.

"Basically a fountain of youth, but with much less pleasant side effects. It has the ability to heal any wound and even keep its user from aging, allowing them to live much longer than its natural. But, it comes at a cost and is highly guarded from use by anyone by Ra's al Ghul." Oliver said, thinking about how much trouble that pit had caused him.

"How do you know so much about the Lazarus Pit?" Sara asked.

"Malcolm was very informative before he died." Oliver said simply, quieting everyone down.

"You were saying Sara?" Thea asked.

"Right. Ra's said that Darhk continues on the League's way in his own way with a hive of his own followers to follow his own agenda." Sara said.

"Do we have any idea of what that agenda is?" Thea asked.

"The League has been trying to answer that question for centuries. Whatever Darhk's plan is, he's smart enough to keep it from the League's eyes." Sara said.

"Great, that's just another question we need answers to in regard to this enemy." Oliver grumbled when suddenly, the lights flickered and when they came back on, Ra's and a few of his operatives were standing in the lair.

"Oh jeez." Winn said.

"What brings you here?" Oliver asked.

"We are in need of your assistance." Ra's said as he produced a phone.

"What's that?" Sara asked, since as far as she knew, the League was still ancient in regards of communication.

"One of my operatives recovered this. It is a phone from one of Darhk's hive agents. However, it is protected in a way we cannot crack, otherwise I'm certain we could gain some intel from it." Ra's said ass Oliver took the phone.

"Winn, see what you can do." Oliver said as he handed the phone to Winn, who nodded.

"The league doesn't have many computer coders in it's ranks?" Thea asked and Sara snorted.

"Are you kidding, the League still uses paper and smoke signals to send messages." Sara said.

"Wow, you guys are really behind the times." Thea said.

"Thea enough. We have enough enemies without annoying one of the most dangerous men on the planet." Oliver said.

"Anyways, I am hoping that once we gain access to the phone, we can use it to finally locate Darhk." Ra's said.

"Maybe that's why he's been able to stay ahead of you. No offense but Darhk may be a maniac, but he's not dumb. He knows how to evolve to adapt to the times. I mean, he uses phones and guns, things that aren't out of place these days. Maybe you should consider letting the League evolve." Oliver suggested.

"Okay, before this gets any further, I did manage to decrypt the phone." Winn said.

"Did you get any data from it?" Oliver asked.

"While this thing doesn't have GPS, it does seem to be synced up with Hive's network. If I can crack it, it'll give us all of Hive's data, including where they're based, what they're plans are and what Darhk is planning." Winn said.

"Can you crack it?" Ra's asked.

"I think I can crack it, but without a certain resource, it'll take time." Winn said.

"And what resource do you need?" Ra's asked, wondering what he'd need to have his people acquire.

"The phone's owner. It's got a biometric lock that requires the user's retinal and thumb scan to be granted access to the network and it's coded to the DNA of its owner. Without that, it'll take me at least a month to crack it's encryption." Winn said.

"Please tell me the operative you got this phone from is still alive?" Oliver asked Ra's.

"He is, since I decided he could prove useful later." Ra's said.

"Bring him here and then we'll persuade him to unlock the phone." Oliver said.

"Very well. But do not try and give me orders Oliver Queen." Ra's said.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Oliver said as Ra's and his men left.

"I cannot wait until we're done working with those guys. No offense Sara." Laurel said.

"None taken. Now you know why I was so eager to leave them." Sara said.

"Once we find Darhk, Ra's and the League leave and hopefully we never have to deal with them again." Oliver said, since he doubted anyone was as eager to be done with the League as him.

Anyone care to guess who the mystery ghost will be?

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