Chapter 148

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A few days after Jasmine was born, both she and Laurel were discharged from the hospital and now she and Oliver were bringing their baby girl home for the first time.

When they entered their home, they found that their parents, Thea, Roy, Sara, Alex, John, Lyla, Winn, Samantha, William and Emiko had all set up a small party to welcome Jasmine to her home.

"Welcome home." they all said, though softly so as not to wake the newborn.

"You guys did not have to do this." Oliver said with a smile.

"Please we wanted to. After all, if the birth of the newest member of this family isn't a cause for celebration than I don't know what is." Thea said with a smile as she put her champagne down and reached out for her niece.

"I'm only handing her over to you now because you cut your honeymoon short to come back for this." Laurel said as she handed Jasmine to Thea.

"I'll take it." Thea said as she gushed over her niece.

"I still can't believe we're parents." Oliver said.

"Tell me about it." Laurel agreed as Moira handed them both glasses of champagne as Thea picked her's back up.

"I'd like to propose a toast to the newest member of this family. Jasmine Dinah Queen." Oliver said.

"Cheers." they all said as they sipped their glasses.

"Oh alcohol, how I missed you." Laurel said and Oliver was glad that Laurel was not an alcoholic in this reality, since she'd never suffered through the events that had caused her to turn to that life in the first place.

"Don't go too crazy on the booze yet." Thea said.

"Don't worry, I have no plans to, but I have to admit, it is nice to be able to enjoy some champagne again." Laurel said and Oliver smiled.

"I'm glad that now you'll actually be able to fit into your maid of honor dress at my wedding." Sara said with a smile.

"Have you guys even started planning that yet?" Oliver asked.

"Well, we've decided that we want the wedding to be in National City and we want it to be a winter wedding, but aside from that, not really." Alex said.

"Well, now that Jasmine's here, you got no excuses." Laurel said.

"Well we definitely want her in the pictures." Sara said.

"She will." Oliver said as he moved to take his daughter from Thea, who reluctantly handed her over.

Late that night after everyone else had left and Jasmine had been put to sleep, Oliver and Laurel were enjoying one of the few baby free moments they'd have for a while when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is that and how did they get passed the gate?" Laurel asked.

"I don't know. Go upstairs and keep an eye on Jasmine." Oliver said and Laurel nodded as she rushed upstairs and Oliver went to the door and after checking who it was, he wasn't sure whether or not to sigh in relief as he opened it.

"Sorry to drop by this late mate." John Constantine said as Oliver showed him in.

"You could've given me some heads up John. What are you doing here?" Oliver asked.

"There's something important I need to speak with you and your wife about. Something concerning your daughter. Congratulations by the way." John said.

"Thank you." Oliver said as Laurel came downstairs, a sleeping Jasmine in her arms and it was at that point that Oliver quickly pulled the cigarette from John's mouth and crushed it.

"We have a strict no smoking rule in this house." Oliver said.

"Oliver, who is this?" Laurel asked.

"Laurel this is an old friend of mine, John Constantine." Oliver said.

"The warlock whose life you saved." Laurel said.

"Yeah, he's also the one who gave told me where I could go to learn how to resist Darhk's magic." Oliver said.

"And if I'd known the fate I'd inadvertently bring on your family I never would've done it." John said.

"What are you talking about?" Laurel asked.

"When Oliver started learning magic, he inadvertently became the progenitor of a magical bloodline of his family, which he passed onto his daughter." John said.

"So, I have magic." Oliver said, thinking that he'd never use it.

"Yes and while I know you probably don't plan on using it, I don't think Jasmine will have much choice." John said.

"Wait, Jasmine has magic?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, I sensed it the moment she was born. Sometimes it skips a generation, but make no mistake, your daughter has the potential to make a powerful witch someday. However, this also puts her in great danger." John said.

"What do you mean?" Laurel asked, concerned that Jasmine was only a few days old and she was already in big danger.

"I wasn't the only one who sensed Jasmine's magical presence when she was born. A demon did to. And he's going to be coming for her soon." John said.

Sorry to end the chapter there, but I can't help it. Oliver technically does have magic, since that's how he resisted Darhk and was able to kill him, people just tend to overlook that, but anyways, since he has magic, I see no reason why he wouldn't have passed that on to his daughter.

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