Chapter 32

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This chapter will have a bit of a frosty twist, just not in the way people will be expecting.

When Thea came to after she was knocked out, she was surprisingly freezing. She felt like her insides were frozen.

"What happened?" Thea asked as she took notice of Roy, who looked in worse shape then she felt.

"We got abducted by some thug in the Glades. From now on, we have dates outside of there." Roy said and Thea nodded.

"You think you'll have any more chances to go on dates?" a new voice said and Thea turned to see some strange man approaching them.

"Why are you doing this to us?" Thea asked.

"He's no better than the filth who killed my wife. All those criminals in the Glades are the same. They deserve to die." the man said.

"But what did I do?" Thea asked, still feeling cold.

"You not only turn a blind eye to his criminal behavior, I hear you're just as guilty and you actually reward him for his actions. You deserve the same mercy as him." the man said.

"Who are you?" Thea asked.

"I am the Savior." the man said and Thea rolled her eyes as her teeth started chattering from the cold she was feeling.

"Could you at least turn up the heat a bit?" Thea asked, confused about she was feeling so cold.

"Do you really want that to be your last request?" the Savior asked.

"Can we at least get a last meal?" Roy asked.

"Quiet unless you want to die early." the Savior asked.

"Why haven't you killed us yet?" Thea asked.

"Because I want the whole city to understand why." the Savior said.

"You're going to kill us on camera." Roy realized.

"So, it seems you have some brains in there after all. Now, say cheese." the Savior said as he turned on a video camera and began broadcasting.

"Guys, this guy just made his first mistake. Well I guess second mistake, considering his first mistake was kidnapping the Green Arrow's sister." Winn said as he showed them the broadcast and Oliver gritted his teeth. He should've known it was the savior.

"Winn, can you trace the signal?" Oliver asked.

"Doing so now and it looks like he's on the move underground in the Glades." Winn said.

"He's in the subway system." Oliver said and Winn nodded.

"Suit up, we're hitting him hard and fast." Oliver said as he, Laurel and Sara moved to suit up.

Thea could feel her body becoming colder, like it was transforming into something different and this time when she let a breath out, she could actually see it.

"What is going on?" Thea asked as suddenly, she felt her eyes begin to glow.

"Thea, what's going on with you?" Roy asked, giving his girlfriend a concerned look.

"I don't know." Thea said as her voice became distorted and her hair actually began to turn white.

"Thea, are you okay?" Roy asked as her head shot up.

"I'm fine." Thea said as she looked towards the Savior.

"You don't look fine." Roy said as suddenly, ice began emitting from her hands that froze and shattered her cuffs.

"What?" the Savior asked as Thea got up and she looked both angry and frosty.

"You should know better than pick on people." Thea said as she ice blasted the camera, destroying it, since the savior was to obsessed with his rant to show her or Roy's faces yet.

"What are you?" the Savior asked, clearly not prepared to deal with a metahuman.

"Your worst nightmare." Thea said as she ice blasted him back into unconsciousness.

She was about to deal a fatal blow when suddenly, the Green Arrow, Black Canary and White Canary dropped into the subway car, but what they saw surprised them.

"Thea?" Green Arrow asked, shocked at seeing his little sister with with these freaky powers.

"How do you know her name?" Roy asked.

"Untie him. I'll see if I can reason with her." Green Arrow said to the girls, who nodded.

"Thea, I don't want to hurt you and I know you don't want to hurt him, no matter how much he deserves it." Green Arrow said.

"You don't know me. And he deserves it. He nearly killed me." Thea said as she turned back to the Savior.

"Thea please." Green Arrow begged.

"No he must pay." Thea said and Green Arrow knew what he had to do before making sure that the camera was off.

Thea was about to ice blast the Savior to death when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned to tell the Green Arrow off, but to her surprise, she found that the Green Arrow had removed his mask and hood to reveal that he was none other than her own brother, Oliver Queen.

"Ollie?" Thea asked as her voice and appearance returning to normal.

"It's me Speedy." Oliver said as he noticed the savior coming to and then put his hood and mask back on, knowing that Roy had also seen his real face.

"Get them out of here." Green Arrow said to the Canaries who nodded as Black Canary came over to the Thea.

"Laurel." Thea asked, now recognizing her now that she knew who the Green Arrow was.

"Yeah, I'll explain later, we need to get you out of here." Black Canary said.

"Wait, what about him?" Thea asked.

"I'll make sure he doesn't remember any of this." Green Arrow said.

"What?" Thea asked.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Black Canary said as she helped White Canary support Roy.

"Get them back to the base." Green Arrow said and the Canaries nodded as they helped Roy get off the train the same way they'd gotten onto it with Thea quickly following, thinking her questions for her brother could wait for now, since she honestly did not want to know what he was going to do to her kidnapper.

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