Chapter 114

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Oliver was sitting in his office at Queen Consolidated, finalizing the plans to buy out Palmer Technologies when Walter entered his office.

"Walter, is everything okay?" Oliver asked.

"I just got a call from your mother." Walter said.

"And?" Oliver asked.

"And her water broke, she's in labor." Walter said.

"Then why are you still here?" Oliver asked.

"I'm just telling you that you need to take over for me." Walter said and Oliver nodded.

"I'll handle things here, you just make sure you're there when my little brother or sister is born." Oliver said and Walter nodded at him gratefully.

"Thank you." Walter said.

"Tell mom I'll be there as soon as I can and you should call Thea on the way there. I'll call Laurel." Oliver said and Walter nodded as he walked out.

Moira had been admitted to the hospital immediately and she was currently in a hospital bed with Dr. Gill checking to see how dilated she was.

"Well doctor?" Moira asked.

"I'm afraid we've still got awhile to go before you're ready to push." Dr. Gill said as Walter entered the room.

"You made it." Moira said as she gripped her husband's hand.

"Did you doubt I'd miss the birth of my first child?" Walter asked.

"First and last. I'm too old to do this again." Moira said and Walter chuckled.

"Moira, you aren't that old." Walter said.

"Thank you Walter, but it's a miracle I got pregnant at all at my age. I can't go through it again." Moira said.

"We'll talk about this more once you're no longer in labor." Walter said and Moira nodded in agreement.

"Where are Oliver and Thea?" Moira asked, since she really wanted both of her children to be here for this.

"Oliver said that he'd come here as soon as he's gotten things under control at Queen Consolidated and I called Thea and she said that she'd get here as soon as possible, since I doubt even her instructor at the police academy will want to keep her from missing the birth of her younger sibling." Walter said.

"After all the times we've picked Thea up from the precinct when she was a delinquent, I never even imagined I'd see the day when she actually became a police officer." Moira said and Walter chuckled, though it became a bit pained when Moira's grip on his hand grew tighter as she hit another contraction.

When Oliver entered the waiting room, he found Thea, Laurel and Roy already there.

"Thea called you?" Oliver asked Roy, since he'd called Laurel after Walter had told him.

"Yeah, hope you don't mind, seeing as how I'm not actually a member of this family." Roy said.

"Of course you are." Thea assured him and Oliver nodded his agreement with that.

"Any word?" Oliver asked.

"Last I checked, mom's getting close, so hopefully it'll be soon." Thea said and Oliver nodded as he sat down next to his wife.

"I really hope everything goes okay." Laurel said.

"I'm sure the birth will go fine. It's what happens next that I'm worried about." Oliver said.

"What are you talking about?" Laurel asked.

"My mother is many things, but her parenting skills, those were never her strongest suit. I just hope that she can learn from the mistakes she made with me and Thea to be a better mother to this kid." Oliver said.

"I'm sure she has, plus, she has Walter to help. And besides, you and Thea didn't turn out that bad. I mean you're now the acting CEO of Queen Consolidated and Thea is a recruit in the SCPD." Laurel said.

"Yeah now, but you know it wasn't an easy road to get there." Oliver said.

"And you and I both know that the things that are truly worth doing never are. Besides, the way I like to look at it is that now we know all the things not to do when we have kids." Laurel said with a smile, which Oliver shared.

"Yeah, I guess so." Oliver said.

"So, who knows, maybe the next time we're in the maternity ward of the hospital, it'll be for the birth of our own baby." Laurel said and Oliver smiled again.

"And how soon do you think that will be?" Oliver asked.

"I think we should just wait until we both decide we're ready." Laurel said and Oliver nodded as a nurse came back out.

"Oliver and Thea Queen?" the nurse said as Oliver and Thea rose.

"Yes?" Thea asked.

"Come with me please." the nurse said as Oliver and Thea followed her in the doorway.

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