Chapter 100

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Little side note. This is the first one of my stories to ever make it to 100 chapters, so to celebrate, I'm using such a momentous chapter to cover one of the most anticipated events in this whole franchise. And now, without further delay, I give you, Chapter 100, the Lauriver Wedding!

The next few days went by quickly as the last of the wedding plans were finalized and the remainder of the guests arrived. In fact, in what felt like no time at all, the big day had arrived.

In order to keep with tradition and avoid adding causing any bad luck today, since if there was one thing Oliver and Laurel had both come to believe in, it was superstition, Laurel had stayed at their penthouse the night before the wedding while Oliver had crashed at the mansion and they had not seen or spoken to each other since they'd parted ways after their rehearsal dinner at the mansion the night before.

Anyways, Oliver was currently at the church they'd chosen to get married in and he'd actually been there since 6 am, since he'd been so nervous for today that he couldn't sleep, so he'd tried going for a run to try and clear his head and when that hadn't worked, he'd left a note for his parents to make sure they knew he was getting cold feet before heading to the church early to get ready.

"Man, I did not think you could even get nervous." Barry said as he sped into the room, and as of right now, they were the only ones there.

"Well surprise Barry, I do know how to get nervous and considering how nervous you were when you did this, can you blame me?" Oliver asked and Barry chuckled.

"Not at all, but Oliver you calmed me down when I was freaking out." Barry said.

"Sorry, it's just, what guy doesn't get nervous on his wedding day?" Oliver asked.

"I have yet to meet one who does." Barry said.

"I just hope that this wedding goes smoother than yours did." Oliver said.

"Yeah, I'm still trying to forget that." Barry said.

"Anyways Barry, thank you for coming here early." Oliver said.

"I had to make sure you didn't try to skip out on your fiance." Barry said.

"Very funny." Oliver said.

"But seriously man, did you even write your vows or are you going to give the same ones you gave last time." Barry asked.

"No, those vows were for Felicity and I wouldn't feel right using the same words on Laurel. But I am gonna take some advice I gave you. I'm just gonna speak honestly from my heart." Oliver said.

"Good idea. Otherwise we'd be waiting for hours just for you to get through the first page of your vows." Barry said.

"You're not wrong." Oliver agreed as the two shared a chuckle as they noticed more people starting to arrive.

Oliver wasn't the only one freaking out over the wedding. On the other side of the church in the bride's room, Laurel was in a similar state as Sara attempted to calm her down.

"Laurel relax. I've got Dig sending me updates every 5 minutes to confirm that Oliver is still here." Sara said.

"I'm sorry, it's just wedding day jitters. Sara, you know I've been looking forward to this day since, well since high school and now that it's finally here, I just want everything to go smoothly." Laurel said.

"And they will. Just relax and focus on being the happy bride." Sara said.

"Think you'll ever have to take that advice yourself?" Laurel asked.

"Maybe someday. While yes, Alex and I are getting serious, I'm not sure we're there yet. But someday, hopefully yes." Sara said and Laurel smiled as she finally began to calm down.

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