Chapter 152

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Just to clarify, I know in the original timeline, Oliver knew Mari, but remember, Amaya changed history so her village was never destroyed and the events of the Vixen web series never happened.

"So, apparently the original totem bearers imprisoned a demon named Mallus into time itself." Mari said after Oliver and Constantine had brought her and Kuasa up to speed.

"Yep and now the demon is starting to break free and he's coming after my daughter. We need your help to stop it." Oliver said.

"And why should we believe you?" Kuasa asked.

"I believe that mystical root tea you make can help shed some light on it." Constantine said.

"The Lyoga root?" Mari asked.

"I've researched every mystical artifact, being and plant there ever was, I know all about it, particularly how you can use to travel to the world between worlds and commune with your ancestors. They can confirm everything we just told you." Constantine said.

"It's worth a shot." Mari said.

"Fine." Kuasa said skeptically as she left to get the tea.

"She doesn't like us does she?" Zari asked.

"She's not very welcoming to outsiders, which isn't surprising considering the last time outsiders came to our village, they tried to destroy it. Smart play however, bringing another totem bearer with you." Mari said.

"I trust them and you can to." Zari said as Kuasa reentered the hut, two cups of tea in her hands.

"We'll soon see if that's true or not." Kuasa said as she handed Mari a cup of tea.

"So, what exactly happens here?" Zari asked.

"What happens is we drink this tea and go on a vision quest where we'll discover if you're telling the truth or not." Kuasa said as she sipped her tea.

"Just sit tight and don't leave this hut until we finish our quest." Mari said as she sipped the tea and joined her sister in a similar state.

When Mari opened her eyes, she found herself and Kuasa standing in a lush paradise.

"What is this place?" Kuasa asked.

"This is the world between worlds." a new voice said and the two women turned to see their grandmother standing there.

"Nanaba." Kuasa said as she ran up and hugged her grandmother.

"My brave, sweet Kuasa." Amaya Jiwe said with a smile as she turned to face Mari.

"Nanaba." Mari said as Amaya walked up to her.

"You do me proud Mari. You uphold your duty with pride." Amaya said.

"Just like you, mother and all others before you did." Mari said and Amaya smiled.

"But a new threat is rising." Amaya said.

"So it's true, what the outsiders say." Kuasa asked and Amaya nodded.

"Yes Kuasa. I embody the spirit and knowledge of all those who came before you and it is all too real. The first totem bearers imprisoned a great evil within time itself. However, after so long and with no one to upkeep it, the prison is slowly weakening. The two of you must join the outsiders in finding the other totems and using them to stop the demon, once and for all." Amaya said and Mari nodded.

"We will." Mari said.

"You must be cautious though Mari. As the threats you face grow stronger, so will the power of your totem. You must not fear it or try to control it, but simply trust in it. Run with it." Amaya said and Mari nodded.

"I will. Thank you Nanaba." Mari said as she hugged her grandmother again before her form faded from the realm.

"Why am I still here?" Kuasa asked.

"Because there is more I need to tell you Kuasa. You still do not trust outsiders." Amaya said.

"The last time outsiders came to our village they almost destroyed it." Kuasa said.

"I understand, but you can't harbor this grudge forever. After all, I trusted outsiders myself once. Hourman, Dr. Midnight, Stargirl, Commander Steel and Obsidian. I was a member of the Justice Society of America during World War II. Not all outsiders are evil Kuasa. You can trust them." Amaya said.

"Is that all?" Kuasa asked.

"One more thing. You've noticed how the spirit totem does not react as well to you as it does for Mari." Amaya said.

"We've actually had to have a spider bite Mari to get the totem off her when it's my turn to have it." Kuasa said a bit bitterly, since the totem had always seemed to prefer Mari over her.

"You are meant to be a totem bearer Kuasa. Just not the bearer of the spirit totem. That is Mari's destiny." Amaya said.

"Then what is mine?" Kuasa asked.

"I cannot answer that for you. But a bit of advice. Perhaps the reason you've struggled with the totem is because you've tried so hard to be like me, instead of being yourself. You must be true to who you really are Kuasa before you can claim a totem as yours. You will know what your path is when the time comes. I love you Kuasa." Amaya said as now Kuasa returned to the real world as well.

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