Chapter 52

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This chapter will really start to deviate from the arrowverse and it will also hopefully answer the question of how Thea got her powers and also reveal some other long hidden secrets of Moira Queen. Also, just a reminder, don't spend too much time hoping for a legends since I'm probably not going to even do it, since frankly, Legends is the show I watch the least right now. Anyways, enjoy the story.

The following day, before returning to Star City, Oliver decided that he needed to talk to Caitlin, since it sounded like his mother had paid someone in her family a lot of money and he was curious if she had any idea why and he also wondered if maybe this was another side effect of the reality rewrite.

"Oliver, what can I do for you?" Caitlin asked, surprised when she found him outside the door of her apartment.

"While we were doing research for Laurel's campaign, since she's running for mayor of Star City, we came across a transaction between my mother and someone named T. Snow. You have any family with the first initial T?" Oliver asked.

"My father. His name was Thomas Snow. He died about 17 years ago." Caitlin said.

"The transaction was dated about 18 or 19 years ago. Do you have any ideas?" Oliver asked as he remembered the story Barry had told him about Caitlin's father, aka, the Icicle.

"No, but then again, my parents divorced around that time. I never really asked my mom why she did it. But maybe I should, since maybe whatever your mom was paying my dad for had something to do with it." Caitlin said.

"Can you let me know what you find out?" Oliver asked.

"Will do." Caitlin assured him as he left.

After returning to Star City, the first thing Oliver did was confront his mother, with Thea in tow, since there were still secrets that needed to be put on the table, including the truth about Thea's father.

"Oliver, Thea, what a surprise." Moira said.

"I know what you did mom." Oliver said.

"Excuse me?" Moira asked, thinking that was a long list and while she didn't realize her son knew a lot of what was on it, she didn't know which thing she was talking about.

"I know that you paid Samantha off to tell me she miscarried. I ran into while I was in Central City and she told me everything. And even if she hadn't, we found records of the check you wrote her while we were cleaning the closets for Laurel's campaign." Oliver said.

"Oliver, I can explain." Moira said.

"Explain what. How you didn't want me to know my own child. How you paid someone to keep that secret from me. That's how you handled the problem?" Oliver demanded angrily, since he now realized that he still held a lot of anger towards his mother over what she did with Samantha and William and now he finally had a chance to let it go and confront her about all this.

"I know you're angry and you have every right to be Oliver. But you were clearly weren't ready to be a parent and I knew the only way to get you to stop worrying was eliminate the problem." Moira said.

"Translation, having your son get a girl pregnant would look bad to the press and you knew that you couldn't keep it quiet forever." Oliver said as Thea put a hand on her brother's shoulder to calm him down, since while she understood his anger, it also wouldn't get anything else done.

"We're here to put all the secrets on the table." Thea said, or at least all her secrets, since Oliver and Thea had to keep their identities secret to protect the people they cared about.

"Sit down then. I can tell I'm not getting out of this, so we might as well get comfortable. This could take awhile." Moira said.

"Okay then. How did you know Thomas Snow?" Oliver asked as they took their seats.

"Thomas Snow. I have not heard that name in a long time. However, I cannot answer that question without also revealing some less than savory details about your father." Moira said.

"And that is?" Thea asked.

"Robert was many things, including a wonderful father, but he was not a faithful husband to me. After I caught him with his latest fling at the time, I had a moment of weakness." Moira said.

"So this Thomas Snow is a guy you slept with to get even with dad?" Oliver asked.

"Partly. He's recently been divorced from his own wife, the CEO of Tannhauser industries, I never asked him for the details, but he was brilliant scientist. He'd been working on developing a way to use cryogenics to freeze the progression of ALS. I met him at a hotel bar one night and after a few too many drinks, I woke up in his room the next morning." Moira said.

"So, you paid him off to keep your affair quiet?" Thea asked.

"Actually it was to support his research. I never wanted your father to find out, since despite his own actions, he was a very jealous man. I kept it off the books because I didn't want your father to go after Thomas." Moira said.

"Mom, you're still hiding something from us. What is it?" Oliver asked.

"9 months after my affair with Thomas Snow, Thea was born." Moira said.

"Wait, mom, are you saying?" Thea asked.

"Yes. Thea, Thomas is your father." Moira said.

Surprise twist. I actually want to thank ClaceLover08 on for this idea due to a random comment inthe reviews. Everyone's wondering how Thea got her powers and this was the perfect solution. She's the Icicle's daughter.

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