Chapter 88

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Green Arrow and Prometheus were locked in combat, bow on blade, but Green Arrow was quickly gaining momentum in the fight.

"Who are you?" Green Arrow demanded as he pressed Prometheus up against a wall.

"I am simply an instrument of justice." Prometheus said as he pushed Green Arrow away and lunged forward.

"What do you mean?" Green Arrow asked.

"You crossed a line and now you will pay for it." Prometheus said and now Green Arrow noticed how robotic this man sounded. It almost sounded like he had when he'd pretended to be mind controlled by Ra's al Ghul and that's when it hit him.

"You were sent by Ra's al Ghul weren't you?" Green Arrow demanded and Prometheus smiled under his mask.

"So, you finally figured it out. You were offered the chance to serve greatness under Ra's al Ghul, but you rejected him. Now you are paying the price." Prometheus said.

"The league is for those who have nothing and wish a fresh start. I have to much to lose by joining them and I wasn't willing to give it up." Green Arrow said.

"Then I after I destroy your city, I will destroy everything you love. And everyone. I will break you and force you to submit to Ra's al Ghul." Prometheus said and Green Arrow's vision went red.

Green Arrow roared in anger and he punched Prometheus in the face with his bow and sent him crashing in the wall, denting it.

"Never threaten the ones I love." Green Arrow growled.

"It's too late. For even if you kill me, you'll still end up losing." Prometheus said.

"What?" Green Arrow asked as he fired another arrow and Prometheus braced himself for death, but to his surprise, the arrow split into a cable arrow and tied him up.

"I want to see your face before I do anything else." Green Arrow said as he pulled down the hood and removed Prometheus's mask, only to recoil back in horror at the face he saw.

"Tommy?" Green Arrow asked.

"So, you see my face. Only fair I see yours." Tommy said cruelly as Arsenal brought Helena to her knees.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Arsenal asked, already knowing what was going on in Green Arrow's head.

"Knock her out." Green Arrow said and Arsenal nodded as he hit Helena with tranq arrow, rendering her unconscious.

"What was that for?" Tommy asked.

"Because I didn't want her to see this." Green Arrow said as he lowered his hood and removed his own mask.

"Oliver." Tommy asked.

"It's me Tommy. I'm the Green Arrow." Oliver said.

"I should've known." Tommy said.

"What happened to you. Last time I checked, being a homicidal maniac was your father, not you." Oliver said.

"People change Ollie. You should know that better than anyone. And you don't deserve to mention my father after you killed him." Tommy said.

"I didn't kill your father. I simply handed him over to Ra's to face league justice. There's a difference." Oliver said.

"Do you sleep better at night telling yourself that?" Tommy asked.

"Ra's inducted you into the League didn't he?" Oliver guessed.

"Pretty much. I was reborn as Prometheus and he taught me everything I needed to know to defeat you." Tommy said.

"Obviously he didn't teach you enough. Like to know when you've been brainwashed." Oliver said.

"All Ra's did was open my eyes." Tommy said and Oliver knew that unlike him, Tommy hadn't been strong enough to resist the League's brainwashing, which meant that he'd have to employ a different means of breaking the mind control on Tommy.

"What's the plan boss?" Arsenal asked.

"We get them both back to the bunker and then we deal with them further." Oliver said as he put his hood and mask back on and proceeded to tranq Tommy as well. 

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