Chapter 96

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Team Arrow had just finished their last mission before Oliver and Laurel left on their honeymoon later on in the week, this mission having been taking down Frank Bertinelli. Now that they'd taken out all the big bads Oliver had faced before the reality shift, Malcolm, Slade, Ra's, Darhk, Prometheus and Diaz down, since honestly, Oliver was convinced that the only reason Cayden James came into conflict with him was because Diaz framed him for killing his son. Anyways, now Oliver had to admit, it felt weird, since from now on any big bads they faced, it felt like they'd truly be in the dark on since he didn't really know anything about them.

Anyways, as they walked in, he saw Winn had the news on covering some big press conference.

"Lots of excitement today as Galaxy One's new CEO Kevin Dale announces plans to move to relocate Galaxy One's headquarters from Metropolis to Star City." Susan Williams said over the news.

"Great, another competitor for my family's company to worry about." Oliver said and Laurel rolled her eyes.

"Oh relax, I'm sure QC will show Galaxy who's boss pretty quickly." Laurel said, right as her phone rang.

"Hello. Captain Pike, what can I do for you?" Laurel asked, concerned that the captain was calling her this late.

"Wait, what. Okay, I'm with Sara now, we'll head to the station immediately." Laurel said as she hung up.

"What's going on?" Sara asked, concerned.

"That was Captain Pike. Dad's been kidnapped." Laurel said.

"Wait, what?" Sara asked, hoping she'd misheard.

"Dad was leading a squad on a raid of the Los Halcones gang, but it sounds like another party butted in, since by the time backup arrived, the drug lords and the other cops were dead and dad was missing." Laurel said.

"Then why are we still here, we need to get to the station now." Sara said.

"Roy go with them. Consider it a police escort for the mayor and her sister and also see if you can get us any forensics to help better id this perp. Laurel, we will find your father in enough time for him to walk you down the aisle." Oliver said.

"I hope so. Because he'll be devastated if he can't." Laurel said.

"Despite the fact that he once said he'd never allow this marriage to happen." Sara said.

"Not the time. Let's go." Laurel said as she practically dragged her sister out of the bunker, since they'd already changed out of their suits and Roy was right behind them.

"I'm gonna get in touch with Alex, see if Argus can help us out with this. Winn, I don't care what you have to hack into to find Quentin, but do it." Oliver said and Winn nodded.

"I'm gonna head back out on patrol, see if I can dig anything up on that end." Thea said, since she was still in her suit.

"Do it. Let us know immediately if you find anything." Oliver said and Thea nodded as she went Frostbite and headed back out.

"I wasn't sure if you'd still be here tonight." Oliver said to Alex when he entered her office at Argus.

"Well, when your girlfriend's father is abducted, you find yourself pretty busy trying to find him." Alex said.

"So Sara told you." Oliver said.

"I just got off the phone with her a few minutes ago. I've retasked Argus's black watch satellites to search for Quentin, but so far nothing yet." Alex said.

"I'm assuming my team has full access to Argus resources to track this bastard down?" Oliver asked.

"What I can spare yes, since there's only so much I can let slide. I've also tipped off Kara and Barry, since Lex Luthor is no longer an issue and since they're coming out here tomorrow for the wedding events anyways, they're helping with the search." Alex said.

"John's getting back tomorrow to. Okay Alex thank you, please let me know as soon as you find anything." Oliver said.

"Don't worry, I will." Alex assured him and Oliver nodded as he left the office.

"Ms. Mayor, I promise we're doing everything we can to find Quentin." Pike said.

"Frank please, you've known me since I was a kid, I think you can still call me Laurel." Laurel said and Pike smiled.

"Sorry, old habits." Pike said.

"So anyways, any clues on who the kidnapper was?" Laurel asked.

"I don't know, but it's clear that your father was taken for a reason. Whoever this guy is, he wanted Quentin alive." Pike said.

"I'm not sure if I should be happy about that or not." Laurel said.

"Let's be happy about it." Sara said as she rejoined them.

"Where were you?" Pike asked.

"Reaching out to some contacts of mine at the FBI. Seeing if we can use any of their resources to help find dad." Sara said.

"And?" Frank asked.

"Fortunately, my girlfriend is a pretty high ranking agent, so she's able to spare us some resources. She said she'll call if she finds anything." Sara said.

"In the meantime, I need to make a statement." Laurel said.

"Laurel, you don't have to do that now." Pike said.

"Yes I do. The city needs to know that I do not break in situations like this." Laurel said as she walked away.

"That's my sister. When things get tough, she just gets tougher." Sara said.

"Still, hell of a week for this to be happening." Pike said.

"Tell me about it. Laurel's actually considering reaching out to the Green Arrow and his team to help with this, that's how desperate she is to get dad back." Sara said, since while Laurel had never been a skeptic of the Green Arrow, the public did not know that she'd been in contact with him until now.

"I would not be opposed to that." Frank said.

"Really?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, I mean, if we knew who it was under that hood, I might consider deputizing him and his team." Frank said.

"They wear those disguises to keep their families and loved ones safe. I don't think being deputized is worth the risk to them." Sara said and Frank nodded, since he could respect that.

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