Chapter 99

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"How's Quentin doing?" Oliver asked Laurel and Sara when they returned to Argus HQ.

"Caitlin and the Argus medics are in there with him now. Hopefully he'll through." Sara said as she watched Alex painfully escort Kane past them.

"Where exactly are you putting him. I'm hoping in hell." Sara said.

"Well, not exactly hell, but it will be purgatory. Kane here will be occupying his father's old cell in Lian Yu, but with even worse living conditions then Slade had." Alex said and Sara smirked.

"You'll make his life a long living hell?" Sara asked.

"You know I will Sara. He'll pay for his crimes." Alex said.

"And what about me Director?" Slade asked, getting everyone's attention.

"Alex, before you answer that, I have something I need to say to Slade first." Sara said.

"And that is." Slade asked.

"That I'm sorry." Sara said.

"For what. You don't owe me any kind of apology." Slade said.

"Actually I do. It's my fault we even had to use the mirakuru on you, since I'm the one who tipped Ivo off to our location on the island. If I hadn't done that, we might not have had to inject with the Mirakuru and Shado might still be alive. It's my fault you went on that rampage." Sara said.

"No it isn't Sara. I take full responsibility for my own actions. I'm just lucky that Oliver here never gave up on me." Slade said.

"I don't give up on friends Slade. Even when they don't deserve it." Oliver said.

"Still Slade, you helped save my dad tonight. I'm not saying I trust you completely yet, but I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt." Sara said and Slade nodded.

"I don't deserve any of it, but thank you Sara." Slade said as he held out his hand, which Sara shook.

"Well Slade, you've earned your freedom today, but on a trial basis. I could use a man of your talents on some overseas ops if you're interested." Alex said.

"As long as there aren't any miracle drugs or islands involved, I'll consider it." Slade said and Alex nodded as she then led Kane and the other Jackals away as Caitlin came up from the medbay.

"Well?" Laurel asked concerned.

"Well, there's good news and there's bad news." Caitlin said.

"We'll take the good news first." Sara said.

"Well, the good news is that despite his injuries, both external and internal, we managed to stabilize him and after a few days of rest, he should be good enough to at least wheel you down the aisle Laurel." Caitlin said.

"So, he's paralyzed?" Sara asked.

"No, he'll recover, but right now he shouldn't strain himself by walking, I'm just talking about the immediate future, he should be back on his feet with a few months of therapy." Caitlin said.

"And the bad news?" Laurel now asked.

"While we managed to save him, he has developed a serious heart condition, which we've given him a pacemaker for, but he'll never be a detective again. If he exerts himself too much, his heart won't be able to take the strain." Caitlin said.

"So dad is now confined to desk duty. He'll love that." Sara said, knowing that her father was a man of action.

"Well, I'm not going to give him a choice about it. Besides, now I finally have an excuse to promote him to captain, since that job requires sitting behind a desk, which is the main reason dad didn't want it. Maybe now he'll accept it." Laurel said and Sara smiled as another medic entered the room.

"He's awake and he wants to talk to his daughters. Now." the medic said.

"You were going to have to tell about this eventually, you said so yourself. Looks like now you have to." Oliver said and the sisters nodded before heading into the medbay.

"Hey dad." Laurel said as she and Sara walked up to their father's bed.

"So, when exactly were you gonna tell me that both of my daughters are vigilantes?" Quentin asked.

"Did you guess by our outfits?" Sara asked, since she and Laurel were still in their suits.

"Actually, Joe Wilson sold you out." Quentin said.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you dad." Laurel said.

"I get why you didn't." Quentin said.

"You do?" Sara asked.

"Yeah I mean, considering how hard I was gunning after vigilantes, I can't blame you for not telling you were ones." Quentin said.

"Also, we were trying to protect you, but I guess tonight proves that was pointless." Laurel said.

"So, are you mad?" Sara asked.

"No. I mean at one point, yes I would've been furious, but now, I can see that both of my daughters are heroes. Just like I always knew one day you'd be." Quentin said and both of his daughters smiled at him.

"So, you won't tell anyone right?" Laurel asked.

"Your secret is safe with me, but now, I've got to know, the Green Arrow, I've had my suspicions, but is it?" Quentin asked.

"It's Oliver." Laurel confirmed.

"Huh, I could not have been more wrong about that boy. I always thought he was a no good spoiled frat boy who cared about no one but himself, but instead, he's actually the one who's fighting the hardest for our city." Quentin said.

"He's a hero. Even if he doesn't always think so himself." Laurel said.

"I'll have to give him a formal apology later." Quentin said.

"Great, but now dad, there is something else we need to talk about." Laurel said.

"And that is?" Quentin asked.

"Caitlin told us that as a result of this attack, you've developed a heart condition. You can't keep going into the field as a detective anymore, it's not safe." Laurel said.

"Laurel, are you really telling me that despite what you do?" Quentin asked.

"Dad, Laurel and I are both in perfect health. You aren't. I know you don't like the idea of being stuck behind a desk all day, but that's what's going to happen from now on." Sara said.

"So what, I'm just a desk jockey at SCPD?" Quentin asked disgruntled.

"No, now you finally have no reason not to accept the captain's badge I keep trying to give you." Laurel said.

"Huh, Captain Lance. I like that." Quentin mused.

"Great, also, speaking of jobs, dad, I don't work for the FBI." Sara said.

"Then where do you work?" Quentin asked.

"I still work for the government, just not the organization I told you. I work for a clandestine covert organization called Argus. It monitors things like metahumans and stuff like that." Sara said.

"So, you deal with aliens?" Quentin asked.

"No, that is a different top secret government organization. Argus focuses on terrestrial threats, as in originating from earth." Sara said.

"Okay then. So, what happens now?" Quentin asked.

"Well, now you take a few days to finish resting up before they let you out of here." Laurel said.

"And then what?" Quentin asked.

"And then we have a wedding to get to without even having to delay it by a day." Sara said and Laurel smiled at that.

Next chapter will be the one you've all be waiting for. The Lauriver Wedding!!!!!

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