Chapter 3:

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I was only a little worried when Frida didn't make it to the Penthouse that night. I figured maybe she just got caught up with this story and let her phone die. It had happened before. But when she didn't show up for work the next day, I went into full panic mode. I rushed into the office in my work out clothes. I asked everyone I could find if they had heard from her, even though her energy signature told me she hadn't been there since yesterday.

"Boss lady, you need something," one of the interns, Matt I think, asked.

"I need the list of everywhere Frida had planned on going yesterday, like yesterday," I said.

"On it."

I watched as he ran off. I had implemented a rule that anyone going out to investigate had to submit a form with all of the places they were going. It helped when things like this happened. Within 5 minutes Matt was back with the form that Elfrida had submitted to HR.

"Thank you, Matt," I said as I took the piece of paper and headed into my office.

I darkened the glass and looked the list over. It was pretty short. She was supposed to go to the Preternatural Women's Shelter and talk to homeless people in the surrounding area. I cursed under my breath. She said she would run if she got into any trouble. And yet no one had heard from her. Another of the interns appeared at my foggy glass door.

I pressed a button and it opened.

"Yes," I said.

"There is a Mr. Blaylock in the lobby for you. He says he has the resumes you asked for," the woman said.

"Thank you. Send him in," I said.

While I waited, I put the address for the shelter into my phone's map app. It was only a 22-minute drive, almost the same amount of time it took to get out to EI security. I looked up when I heard him coming.

Mr. Blaylock was a short, stubby man who always wore awful looking, but expensive suits with a bad comb over and shoes that seemed just a hair too small. Though he dressed so horrible, I knew for a fact that he was sinking rich and his wife always looked like a million bucks. He had a smile on his face as he greeted me.

"Mr. Blaylock, that was fast. I wasn't expecting you to find someone so quickly," I said taking the folder from him.

"Well as soon as I put on the ad, I had maybe 20 applicants. I chose the best 5 out of those. You can schedule the interviews anytime this week. I was out this way and figured you would want this before I go out of town for the holidays," he said.

"Yes, thank you. I'll get on it soon. Thank you," I said.

As soon as he was gone I headed out. I sped up the highway, weaving in and out of traffic as though it weren't even there. I used my deactivation ability to kill any radar guns that might be out there and made it to the Shelter in just under 18 minutes. I parked in the lot and walked around to the double doors. When I walked inside the girl behind the desk gasped in surprise.

"Hello, is Mrs. de Luca in," I asked.

The girl couldn't even speak; she just nodded and buzzed me in through the door. The security guard watched me with wary eyes. I ignored him and moved through the building. I slammed my shields into place as the depression, anger and loneliness of the residents pounded against my mind; though I did leave them open enough to feel traces of Frida's energy. So, I knew that she had been there in the last 24 hours.

Donna de Luca was sitting at her desk. She looked just the same as the last time I saw her over 2 decades ago. Her Lycanthrope genes kept her looking young even though her job was uber stressful. I stood in the doorway waiting for her to notice me and when she did she looked at me with such contempt that I wanted to slap her, but I didn't because I needed to find Frida.

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