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jeongin pov

i woke up yesterday naked in a house i didn't know laying next to chan. the person i hate the most in my life. when i tried to leave silently i woke up chan. he saw me there trying to leave quietly. 

"what the fuck did we do last night?" he had asked me. 

the only answer i could think of was "i don't know. but promise me that we both won't tell a single person." 

he nodded in agreement and i left the house. i had a terrible hangover and i was limping from what must have happened the night before. when i got home my mom immediately hugged me tightly and asked if i was okay.

i said that i had a headache but i was okay and then she yelled at me and questioned me for like 2 hours. mostly because i said i would be home at 9 the night before and i never came home.

right now i'm getting ready for school and i'm absolutely exhausted. i have thrown up three times this morning. but my bitch of a mother decided that i was still going to go to school.

i drove to school and parked my car but then decided to skip with my friend hyunjin. i was too sick to sit through hours of boring classes. hyunjin and i went to his house since his parents didn't get home until 5 or 6.

right when we got there though i felt the urge to throw up again. i ran to the bathroom and threw up twice before i felt decent.

hyunjin was kind of worried about me. i was going to tell him that i slept with chan and how we woke up in the same bed naked. but i decided against it. even though i hated chan i wasn't one to break promises. i know that everyone hates that one bitch that tells everyone something even though they promised not to.

the rest of the day we just talked, stole a few beers from the fridge and played videogames. the average thing that two teenagers like us do. but then hyunjin told me something out of the blue.

"you know i like seungmin, right?" he asked.

"no. you never told me that. but i know that he likes you." I said.

"he does?!" hyunjin exclaimed in excitement.

"yeah. it's obvious. and you two would make the cutest couple." I said.

"so would you and chan..." hyunjin mumbled but i was sure that was what he said.

"the fuck?" i asked.

"i know you slept with him, dumbass." he said.

"how? and what do you mean we would be the cutest couple?!" i said kinda angrily.

"some anonymous person tweeted it out to the whole school. also i just have a feeling he likes you." hyunjin said casually and i wanted to strangle him.

"but how the hell did that person find out? chan and i swore to never tell anyone." i said.

"i don't know but i want to hear the entire story." hyunjin said calmly. he didn't have a care in the world and it really annoyed the fuck outta me.

i explained everything that i remembered from saturday night. hyunjin just laughed at the end. why was i even friends with this hoe?

"did you guys even use protection?" he asked still laughing.

"probably not." i answered. i hadn't even thought about that.

"maybe that's why you threw up all morning." he said.

"hyunjin. how many beers did you drink?" i asked.

he held up his hands, 6 fingers up. i laughed and said "that's why you are being such an asshole. you're drunk as hell jinnie." i said.

"no i'm not. i'm completely sober." he said and i just laughed.

"i only had 2 so i'm still in my right mind at least." i said. i thought about what hyunjin said though. 'maybe that's why you have been throwing up all morning.' i didn't really think i was pregnant. i might not even be fertile. 

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