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jeongin pov

today is christmas. i don't really like christmas that much. i'm atheist but my parents are christian so...they never shut up about god and i just have to ignore them or act like i care for a month.

i don't get that many presents since we aren't the most fortunate family in the world, but i don't really mind. it's not like i really want anything, i don't need anything.

my friends and i are all meeting up at hyunjin's house since he is rich and has a huge ass house. chan came and picked me up, since it is christmas we are all doing a gift exchange. and during that gift exchange chan and i are going to announce that we are 'dating'.

"hey chan." i said as i got into his car.

"hey." he said and gave me a quick peck on my cheek which made me blush.

we drove blasting monsta x into our ears. and singing and rapping every single word of all the songs. we got to hyunjin's house like 15 minutes later.

we walked up and knocked on the door, which was quickly answered by jisung.

"hey guys." he said and let us in.

"hyunjin really does have a nice house." chan said and i laughed.

we were the last ones there so we all sat down and did our somewhat secret santa. we had all chosen somewhat from a hat a week ago. but now we are giving them to them without it being secret so that is why it is somewhat secret santa.

after 10 minutes of opening gifts and thanking each other i said "guys. chan and i have something to tell you."

"what?" hyunjin asked.

"we're dating. well kind of." chan said.

"i knew it!" minho almost yelled.

"what do you mean, kind of?" seungmin asked.

"ok so...i didn't want to actually date hyunjin. i just really like him and he likes me too, so we made an agreement that we wouldn't go on dates or anything. we would just be a couple when we happened to see each other. so that i don't get too stressed. i told him i would actually date him once i was 5 months. but we still say that we are boyfriends. got it?" i explained.

"makes sense." jisung said.

"wait. kiss him." minho said to chan. (btw they are friends again)

chan shrugged and looked at me for approval. i said "go for it." with a smirk. he kissed my lips softly for only about 5 seconds and pulled away.

"was that good enough, minho?" he asked and minho answered with a nod.

but right after that seungmin passed out. we all gathered around him trying to wake him up. his heart was still beating but it was extremely slow. only about 40 beats a minute.

none of us knew what to do, after 5 minutes we all agreed that we should call 911. hyunjin was almost in tears from how stressed he was.

"he will be okay, hyunjin." we kept telling him. but it didn't really help that much.

we waited for 5 minutes before the ambulance came. hyunjin stayed in the ambulance with seungmin but the rest of us drove. we got there only 3 minutes after the ambulance. but for all we knew that 3 minutes could change everything.

we sat in the waiting room for only 10 minutes. it was 6pm on christmas day and this just had to happen. 

"are there any friends and family of kim seungmin here?" a nurse asked.

we all got up and followed her back to seungmin, hyunjin leading us.

"he is perfectly fine. it seems that he was starving himself and he just completely ran out of energy. he should be able to leave within the next 2 hours." she said and let us into the room.

hyunjin ran to his side. seungmin looked a little pale and tired. he looked like he just had a bad cold. and why the fuck did he decide to starve himself? he is already really skinny. skinnier than anyone in our group of friends.

after 30 minutes seungmin's parents came and we all left except hyunjin. this was probably the most interesting christmas i have had in a long time. 

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