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jeongin pov

i am in my room getting ready for school, in about 3 weeks we have finals week and then school is over. i usually wear either chan's hoodies or his dads nowadays because mine show my very large bump.


dolphin🐬: what are you having????

me: guess.

dolphin🐬: um...a girl and a boy?

me: close.

dolphin🐬: well two girls or two boys are both equally close to a girl and a boy...

me: it's two girls.

dolphin🐬: OMG YES!!!! I WAS HOPING AND PRAYING THAT YOU WOULDN'T HAVE 2 BOYS (i actually capitalized something *-*)

me: why did you not want me to have 2 boys?

dolphin🐬: because 1. little boys are annoying af 2. i want to dress up your baby girls and be their favorite uncle.

me: alright then dolphin. i have to get to school.

dolphin🐬: i have to take jisung to school anyway. bai

me: bai


"chan!!!" i yelled since chan was downstairs.

"yes babe?" he yelled back.

"come here!" i yelled again, then i heard him running up the stairs.

"what is it?" he asked with a cute smile.

"none of the hoodies cover my bump anymore..." i said with a pout.

"jeongin, you are almost 7 months pregnant...i don't think anything will cover it anymore." he said. he was right but it felt bad hearing it from him.

"sorry i have to answer this. my mom is calling me." i said. chan looked at me weird, i knew why, my mom hadn't called me in over 6 months. so why the fuck was she calling me right now.

"hey...mom." i answered.

"hello jeongin. i need to talk to chan." she said.

"she wants to talk to you, put it on speaker." i said covering the mic on my phone.

he put it on speaker and said "hello ms. ahn, what is it?" chan asked. i was surprised he knew her last name since it wasn't the same as mine and had changed several times.

"i just wanted to know if you really love jeongin? i know i didn't make the best decision by kicking him out but i hope he at least made the right decision by falling for you." she said.

"of course i love jeongin. i love him more than anything. now we really need to be on our way to school already...." chan said and after there was a long pause.

"okay...just take good care of him and don't get too mad at him, please." she said.

"I'll take great care of him and i already don't get that mad at him, bye ms. ahn." he said and i looked at him when he said 'i already don't get that mad at him' which made both of us laugh.

"bye chan." she said and hung up.

"that was interesting." i said and chan nodded..


sorry this is short but at least i updated...

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