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jeongin pov

i got home yesterday and i finally feel okay and not like i'm going to die. i still threw up today, but only once instead of 2 or 3 times. i thought i could have a normal day, but everything just has to go wrong in my life.

"hey sweetie, can you come downstairs for a minute!" i heard my mom yell from downstairs.

i got out of my bed and walked downstairs and both my mom and dad were sitting on the couch with a space in between them.

"come sit down." my mom said patting the couch.

i sat down and then asked "what is it?"

"we want to talk about what you are going to do, as in pregnancy and the baby." my mom said.

"i already told you my plan. chan and hani are going to help care for him/her once they are born while i finish high school. and then chan and i will probably both get jobs so that we don't have to live in busan with hani forever." i said.

"why would you live in busan with hani?" my dad asked.

"because i don't want to have to live here with you and chan lives in a pretty small house and i don't want to raise a kid in his dad's house." i said.

"so you and chan are going to move in with hani and her family in busan when the baby is born? so you are going to change schools?" my mom asked sounding kind of worried.

"that was the plan. also hani and her family live in like a mansion." i said.

"as long as chan's family and hani's family agree i think it is a pretty good idea. and if you have a girl i'm sure that hani has some old stuff of soojin that she could give you." my mom said.

"so i guess it's settled. but is chan going to be there at all during the rest of your pregnancy?" my dad asked.

"not really. he came to visit me in the hospital and is the one that brought me to the nurse but that is all he has done. and really all the times i have seen him." i said.

"well at least he wants to be there for the baby." my dad said.

"ok. let's end that awkward conversation. what do you want for lunch?" my mom asked.

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