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jeongin pov

i walked into school today and legit everyone was looking at me and whispering. it must have really spread now. i just hope that no one knows chan is the father. 

i don't like coming to school without chan because i feel really vulnerable. it makes me feel like no one is there for me. 

but i have come to school alone for 2 weeks now. chan said that he will come tomorrow. after first period i was walking through the hallway when a hand on my arm held me back.

"you're such a slut jeongin." they said. i could recognize that bitchy voice anywhere, it was yoon sana.

"shut up and get off of me, sana." i said and tried to get out of her grip but her hand was tightly wrapped around my arm. 

"is your boyfriend not here to protect you?" she asked mockingly.

"just get away from me, bitch." i said.

"what did you just call me, slut?" she asked in an angry tone.

"stop calling me a slut. i'm not a slut." i said. i was starting to tear up. my god damn hormones can't handle it when someone does this to me.

"then how did you get pregnant?" she asked.

"you don't have to be a slut to get pregnant." i said and finally i let the tears fall out of my eyes. i was helpless. no one was there to help me, or so i thought.

"let go of him. he never did anything to you." someone said. i recognized their voice but couldn't remember who it was.

"yes he did. he stole chan from me." sana said back.

"chan was never yours. he's completely gay anyway. and if anyone is a slut it's you." the voice said. sana let go of my arm and i turned around to see who was talking. it was...felix. the same guy that punched me in the stomach and almost caused the death of my babies, was saving me.

i ran off to my second period class. i was like 10 minutes late but i didn't give a fuck.

"why are you so late, jeongin?" the teacher asked. all my teachers knew i was pregnant because the principal told them. 

"i'd rather not say." i said and sat down in my seat.

"um...jeongin, you're bleeding." someone i didn't know said.

i pulled up my sleeve where sana was holding my arm to see several wounds from her stupid nails. "ah shit." i said and the teacher gasped.

"don't use that language at school, or anywhere really. but go to the nurse." my teacher said with a sigh.

i got up from my desk, leaving my stuff and walked to the nurse. as i walked to the nurse i held my wounds to stop them from bleeding so much. i got there like a minute later.

"oh jeongin, what happened this time?" the nurse asked with a sigh.

"well i was walking to class when sana dug her fake nails into my skin." i said.

"oh. well let me get you all bandaged up." she said.

"can you take off your hoodie, please?" she asked.

"do i have to?" i asked.

"yes. and i know you are 4 months pregnant, i don't care if i see your bump." she said.

"fine." i said and took of the hoodie i was wearing. you could see the pretty big bump on my small frame through the t-shirt i was wearing.

"you actually have a pretty big bump for 4 months." she said.

"well i'm having twins so i guess that's why." i said.

"oh really. have fun taking care of two babies at the same time." she said with a laugh. she cleaned and then bandaged my wounds.

"alright. i'm done. you can go back to class now." she said and smiled. i put my hoodie back on slowly walked back to class.

after the bell rang to go to lunch my teacher called me over to her desk.

"where has chan been?" she asked.

"oh. well he got shot in the chest and has been in the hospital for awhile. he will be back tomorrow." i said.

"who shot him?" she asked.

"we don't know. i was there, i just heard gunshots and when i looked at chan and one of my friends they had been shot. so i have no idea who shot them." i said.

"good thing you didn't get shot. that would've been really bad for you and the baby." she said.

"babies, actually. i'm having twins." i corrected her.

"oh. really?" she said sounding surprised.

"yep." i said.

"ok. you are free to go to lunch now." she said. 

"bye." i said and left the room. i went to lunch quickly, afraid of seeing sana in the hallway again.

i sat down at the table with all my friends. then i made an excuse so that i could go to felix's table. him and changbin were sitting with a few people i didn't know. i stood by felix and tapped his shoulder.

"what?" he asked before turning around. but when he turned around he smiled.

"why did you help me earlier?" i asked.

"i don't know. it's not like i hate you. i don't know why i ever bullied you. i also still feel so bad for almost killing your baby like 2 months ago." he explained.

"oh. well thank you. usually chan would help me with that kind of stuff so thanks for saving me." i said.

"hey. do you want me to tell you a secret?" changbin asked me.

"um...sure." i said.

he whispered into my ear "felix has a huuuge crush on you." 

"no he doesn't. and aren't you two dating?" i asked looking back and forth between the two.

"we broke up a month ago. we are just best friends." felix said.

"are you gonna confirm what changbin just said to me?" i asked felix.

"ok fine. maybe i have a crush on you but it isn't a huge crush. and plus, i know that you really love chan and chan really loves you so i'm not gonna just steal his man." he said.

"are you serious? you really like me?" i asked with a little laugh. i didn't hate felix's guts anymore but i still didn't even consider him a friend so i thought that this was funny.

"yeah. i do." he said.

"whatever. see you later felix." i said and walked back to my table. 

wow. lee felix likes me. and now i get to leave school early for an ultrasound.

This chapter actually didn't suck that much! I came up with something to happen in this one but I still need more ideas. So like I said last chapter, if you have any ideas PM them to me and I just might use them.

Also, the word count on this chapter is literally almost 1,500 and I think that is the longest chapter I have ver wrote in this book.

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