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jeongin pov

we walked into the house and upstairs into our room. i heard chan sigh and he looked really stressed actually. i guess i didn't notice when we were in the car.

"what's wrong, chan?" i asked concerned.

"are you sure that you want to do this?" he asked.

"yeah, i'm sure. why? are you having second thoughts?" i asked.

"kind of. i mean before this happened i was planning on going to medical school in america. but i guess that isn't going to happen now." he said and sighed again running his fingers through his hair.

"i can raise a child without your help." i mumbled under my breath.

"i heard that. and i bet you can but i still want to help you..." he said.

"you just said that this is ruining your dreams! what do you want, chan?!" i sorta yelled. i didn't mean to be that mean it was probably all the god damn hormones again.

"jeongin, calm down." chan said not even looking at me.

"no. at least look me in the eyes!" i yelled. i remember that the doctor told me to keep my stress levels down but at this moment i don't think i could stop stressing about the topic we were currently arguing about.

"i'm sorry jeongin! just please calm down." he said looking straight into my eyes.

"a simple sorry isn't going to fix the fact that you said you were thinking you didn't want to help me anymore!" i yelled and finally started to cry.

"it's not my fault that you're pregnant anyway. it isn't like i asked for this." chan said and left the room, slamming the door.

i sat there are just cried. it was the worst day i have ever. first i get bullied in the hallway, then i find out felix likes me, then i found out my child or children will probably have mental problems and now i got into a stupid fight with my boyfriend.

after about 10 minutes of that i heard a knock on the door.

"who is it?" i asked.

"nayeon." she said.

"come in." i said in my scratchy voice from all the sobbing.

she walked in and sat next to me. "what happened? i just heard you two yelling and then chan ran out of the house crying." she said.

"we got into a stupid fight because he said that he was having second thoughts on his decision." i said slowly.

"oh. i get it. do you wanna do something to get your mind off of it?" she asked with a cute smile.

"sure. what do you want to do?" i asked trying to cheer myself up.

"play video games." she said and i nodded. we went downstairs and played a few rounds before lee felix walked through the door without even knocking.

this was going to be interesting. and i was still mad and sad about what happened only like 30 minutes ago.

one night | jeongchan ☑Where stories live. Discover now