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jeongin pov

it is the next day. i feel a lot better today so i decided i would actually go to school after i threw up 2 times. if this went on for much longer then i would definitely start to worry, but for now i expect that it is just a virus.

after school where everyone just gave me judgmental looks hyunjin, jisung and i went to the bar that doesn't ask for ids. everyone at our school goes there since they can't really go anywhere else. but seungmin never comes because he hates alcohol. he also thinks that hyunjin and him will end up fucking if they are drunk. idk why that is a bad thing though.

when i was at the bar i saw chan and changbin there too. woojin was also standing shyly away from them. i just ignored them and went back to my friends. jisung acts drunk even when he isn't so when he really is it is chaotic. i have to watch him.

except when i turned back around jisung was gone. 

"hyunjin. where the hell did jisung go?" i asked.

"he left with minho." hyunjin answered.

"why?" i asked.

"probably to go fuck." he said and i laughed. drunk hyunjin is just super casual and laid back.

after hyunjin and i were both really drunk we got an uber so that we wouldn't die on the way home. we got to my house first, it was like midnight and my mom was probably waiting for me worried sick.

right when i walked in she hugged me tightly and asked if i was okay. it reminded me of sunday morning when i had come back from that party.

"i'm fine." i answered mostly because i was drunk. i wasn't fine at all i felt terrible. but then it all went black. i passed out into my mothers arms.

jeongin's mother pov

i was just hugging jeongin when he had finally come home when he just passed out. i was surprised at first. i knew that he was drunk when i saw him so i thought that he had just passed out from all the alcohol.

i yelled for my husband to carry him up the stairs since there was no way that i was carrying him up the stairs. he came and carried jeongin upstairs and laid him in his bed. then i sat with him waiting for him to wake up. but he didn't.

after like 30 minutes i knew something was really wrong. why would he pass out for so long? his breathing was also getting slower and slower which isn't a good sign. i told my husband to carry him back downstairs and to the car. and he did.

i drove through the dark towards the hospital. at this point i was beyond worried. i was terrified. i didn't know what was wrong with my son or what was going to happen to him.

i entered the er and asked for help knowing that i couldn't carry jeongin inside on my own. they came outside with a stretcher and placed his weak, limp body on it.

i had called all of his friends while i waited. they arrived one by one, even a slightly drunk hyunjin came. after 2 hours of no one telling us anything i went to the reception desk.

"what is wrong with my son?! you haven't told me anything in the past 2 hours." i said angrily.

"calm down miss. what is your son's name?" she asked.

"yang jeongin." i answered anxiously.

"i don't think i should be the one to tell this information. go back to his room and the doctor will explain everything. it is room...278." she said.

i quickly ran up the stairs to the second floor. then i ran to the end of the hallway and saw room 278. when i tried to open the door a doctor stopped me and pulled me to the side.

"i highly doubt that your son will tell you this so let me explain." he said.

"okay. go ahead." i said worriedly. 

"so...first off he is pregnant. only like a week though. but also he passed out because he drank lots of alcohol while pregnant and almost killed the baby. but he is stable now...you can go see him." he said. i was shocked out of my mind. 

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