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(this is yanan and he can heal our black souls^)

jeongin pov

right now i am on my way to the convenient store to buy something. something important. pregnancy tests. 

it has been a month since we moved into our new house. chan and i having been trying for another child often. but i have used up all the tests in our house.

i bought a few more tests and some snacks for chan and the twins since i was feeling generous. i thanked the cashier and then drove back home.


channie💕: where are you?

me: i am on my way home right now

channie💕: oh okay

me: see you soon

channie💕: see you 


i got home about 5 minutes later. i hugged chan and pecked his lips, then i went to my girls. they were playing in the living room.

"appa!" kyung mi happily said and ran over to me.

"i've only been gone for 20 minutes. did you miss me that much?" i asked her with a smile.

she nodded and i picked her up giving her a hug. then i set her down and walked over to hyunjae. hyunjae was watching some show on their shared tablet.

"do i not get a welcome home hug today?" i asked her, i looked at her and she looked really tired.

"i'm tired..." she said slowly.

i picked her up and laid her on the couch. then i moved the hair off her face and kissed her forehead.

"when are we eating dinner? i'm hungry." kyung mi said with a cute pout on her face. 

"we will eat soon. first your dad and i have to do something. go watch some tv with your sister or something." i said trying my best to get her to leave us alone for awhile. not that i don't love her being around, i just needed some alone time with chan.

she ran off and i went to the kitchen where chan was. 

"first off. i bought more tests. second. i felt generous so here." i said and handed him his favorite snack (imagine what it is i'm not very imaginative)

"oh. thanks babe." he said gladly accepting the snack.

"you bought something for yourself, right?" he asked.

"of course." i said making him laugh.

"i'm gonna take the tests in the morning so that they will be more accurate." i said and chan nodded.

"you wanna help me make dinner?" he asked.

"sure. what are we making?" i asked.

"let's make some sort of fancy ramen." he said.

"that is such a good description." i said sarcastically and laughed.

"you know what i mean though." he said.

"yeah, i do. because i'm your husband." i said.

"just because we are married doesn't mean that you know everything about me." he said.

"true. but i know a lot about you. i've known you since i was like 13 or 14, then 2 years later you got me pregnant." i said.

"at least you love me now." he said.

"i do, and you love me too." i said.

"yeah. i do love you...a lot." he said and i smiled.

"let's make dinner, kyung mi is hungry and so am i." i said getting a nod from chan.


i woke up pretty early this morning, at about 6am and ran to the bathroom to throw up the dinner from last night. once i had puked twice i decided not to go back to sleep since i normally wake up in 30 minutes.

i was pretty sure that i was pregnant again. which is pretty surprising to me since i had a miscarriage only 2 months ago. (i know that women aren't supposed to get pregnant after a miscarriage if it has been less than 3 months. but jeongin isn't a woman so...he is gonna be pregnant again already)

i took out the tests from the cabinet and took 3. i left the bathroom and made some coffee. then my alarm went off and i ran back upstairs. i took a deep breath and turned over the first one. positive. my heart started beating really fast and i was about to cry of joy. i turned over the second one. positive. then i was at the brink of tears. i turned over the third. positive.

i couldn't contain my happiness and excitement and ran into me and chan's room. i shook him awake. i was literally crying but i didn't care.

"w-what?" he asked while slowly opening his eyes.

"i'm pregnant!" i said excitedly.

"r-really?!" chan asked waking up a lot more immediately.

"yeah. i took 3 tests and they were all positive." i said and wiped the tears out of my eyes.

then i heard little footsteps coming up the stairs. then hyunjae opened our door. 

"what's going on?" she asked and rubbed her eyes. she was holding her favorite stuffed animal which was a kangaroo.

"go get your sister and then we'll tell you." i said with a smile. she looked a little confused but then ran downstairs. she came back 5 minutes later with an exhausted kyung mi.

"ok. i got her. what is it?" she asked and then jumped up on our bed. then kyung mi collapsed onto the bed.

"guess what?" i asked.

"what? i want to go back to sleep." kyung mi said slowly and we all laughed but her.

"well...you two are going to be big sisters!" i said excitedly.

"where is the baby?" hyunjae asked cutely.

"it is in my stomach right now." i said putting my hand on my now flat stomach.

"is it a boy or a girl?" kyung mi asked and finally sat up on the bed.

"we don't know yet. we will know later. the baby is too young right now." chan said. he has been suspiciously quiet recently.

"now can we sleep?" kyung mi asked.

"fine. go back to sleep." i said and they walked off.

"why have you been so quiet recently?" i asked.

"ok, you know that i can't keep secrets. so act surprised when your biological parents come to our house." he said and my jaw dropped.

"are you being serious?!" i asked loudly.

"yes. of course i am. ever since we were like 20 i have been looking for them...you talk in your sleep a lot." he said and i hugged him. then i pulled away to kiss him.

"i've never been so happy. other than maybe our wedding day or when the twins were born." i said.

"can i go back to sleep now too?" chan asked.

"wait. when are they coming?" i asked.

"um...in two days." he said.

"my god chan! we have to clean the whole house!" i yelled.

"clam down. it's fucking 6:30am." he said.

"i get up at this time every day other than sunday." i said.

"well my job doesn't start until 10am so i like to sleep." he said and laid back down and then covered himself with the covers.

"i guess i better get ready for work then." i said to myself and went to go get ready. i had to leave for work in 30 minutes.


that was kinda boring but i'm trying to wrap this up and i'm trying to make it cute.

there actually might have to be 2 or 3 more chapters of this since i decided that chan was going to 'surprise' jeongin with his real parents...so i guess your welcome.

btw the word count on this is: 1257 words

one night | jeongchan ☑Where stories live. Discover now