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chan pov

at around 2pm jeongin said that he was going somewhere to meet a friend. but now it is 4pm and he didn't tell me where he went so now i'm worried. i'm probably being overprotective but i want to know where he went, he is my boyfriend after all. 


me: jeongin, where are you?

jeongin😍: i'm still with my friends.

me: well where r u i'm bored. i want to see you :(

jeongin😍: fine. i'm at *** lake 

me: on my way.

jeongin😍: you are so clingy.


i drove towards *** lake. i don't know why but i felt like something bad was going to happen. i just had this gut feeling, you know what i mean? who am i even talking to? my thoughts are so weird.

when i got there everything was fine, i saw jeongin sitting right where he said he was. he was with 2 other guys and they seemed to be laughing about something. i walked over to them.

"hey jeongin." i said with a smile.

"hey chan." he said. i leaned down a little to kiss his lips before i sat down.

"hi chan." chenle said with a sigh.

"hi chenle. i didn't know that the friend you were meeting was chenle, jeongin." i said.

"well he just so happens to be my best friend and i wanted to finally tell him what happened. i kept it from him until today." jeongin said.

"it seems like chan is a changed person though. i'm not gonna punch you again, not now that you are dating jeongin." chenle said.

just then i heard a gunshot, it sounded like it was right next to me. when i looked at jisung i noticed that it was. he was bleeding like crazy from his arm. then another shot and i heard chan yell in pain. on the right side of his chest was already a lot of blood.

i looked around for the shooter but i couldn't find them. it seemed like he had left. i got out of my chair and went to chan.

"shit. what do i do?" i asked to myself out loud.

"i'm gonna pass out. i guess put pressure on it though." chan said.

"chenle. call 911. chan. take off your shirt." I said.

"what?! i can't move my right arm." chan said weakly.

i pulled off his shirt and bunched it up and put it on his huge wound. chenle was on the phone with 911 and quickly explaining what happened. jisung was trying his best to tend to his own wound on his left arm. it didn't look nearly as bad as chan's but it was still bad. it's a gunshot wound for gods sake.

after the longest 7 minutes of my life we heard the sirens coming. I helped chan up and jisung got up himself since he wasn't in nearly as much pain as chan.

they put jisung and chan into the ambulance and chenle and i drove in his car. the whole way we were both almost crying. we drove right behind the ambulance and so there was no traffic. we got to the hospital like 2 minutes later.

they rolled jisung and chan back and we had to wait. a lot of things have happened in this hospital. my babies and i have almost died, twice. i heard my babies heartbeats and saw their little bodies. and now chan and jisung are the ones that are almost dead.

we waited for 2 hours before a nurse came out and said "are there any family or friends of park jisung or bang chan here?" 

chenle and i walked over to her quickly and we went down a hallway a little. she stopped outside a door. 

"ok so...they are both going to be fine. chan sustained a much worse injury. he has 26 stitches and is being given blood. as for jisung, he only had to get 8 stitches and he is already done getting blood. the door on the right is chan and the left is jisung." she said, at the end she pointed to the doors on the left and right.

i went straight to chan's room. when i walked in he was half asleep and obviously on a lot of pain meds. i pulled up a chair next to him. i moved the hair out of his face and kissed his forehead.

"what happened, jeongin?" he asked.

"you were shot in the chest and have 26 stitches. and i called your dad, he is coming in like 10 minutes." i said.

"is jisung okay?" he asked.

"he is fine. i mean he got shot but he only has 8 stitches which is a hell of a lot less than you." i said.

"i love you, jeongin." 

"i love you too." 

A/n: it took me 3 days to write this because of some writer's block. sorry :(

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