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jeongin pov

it is the last week of school before christmas break. when i saw chan come into school he looked sad. i walked over to him.

"hey chan. what's wrong?" i asked.

"remember bambam?" he asked me.

"the guy with the red hair?" i asked and he nodded.

"after we got back to my house he got a call from his boyfriend. his boyfriend told him that one of their best friends died in a car crash." chan said.

"oh chan. i'm sorry." i said.

"it's ok. i didn't know him, i just hate knowing that my best friend is in pain." he said.

"i get what you mean." i said as first bell rang. "i gotta get to class. bye chan." 

as i was walking to my locker i saw a lot of people staring at me. and people whispering to each other. maybe felix told everyone. or maybe someone saw that i was in the hospital. i tried to ignore the thoughts that were going through my mind.

during my first class my body decided to make me throw up. i had to run down the hallway and to the bathroom before throwing up my small breakfast. i already threw up my dinner at 4am this morning.

after three hours of hell it was time for lunch. i walked towards the cafeteria and once again people stared at me. i didn't care as much this time though because i was just hungry.

i sat down at a table with hyunjin, seungmin, jisung and minho. some people thought it was weird that i was the only single one in the group but i didn't mind it all. at first i was a little skeptical about minho but we are pretty close now.

in the middle of lunch i just suddenly had to pee. because like i said before when you're pregnant your bladder is really fucking weak. i got up from the table and said i was leaving but hyunjin said he wanted to go with me.

"why are you coming?" i asked as we walked towards the restrooms.

"because i don't want someone to hurt you again." he said.

"ok..." i said.

he waited for me outside of the bathroom. but when i walked back out he was talking to chan.

"jeongin! i want to talk to you." chan said.

"hyunjin you can go now." i said and he reluctantly walked away.

"what is it, chan?" i asked.

"i-i want to help you take care of our baby. i know that people that are pregnant enjoy having the father around. trust me i looked it up. i think the reason that you keep getting so stressed is because i'm not helping you at all." he said.

"i don't really know a good answer to that. but yeah i want that to happen. even though i don't really want to admit it i like you being around me." i said.

"see you around, jeongin." chan said and walked towards the gym.

i couldn't believe what had just happened. chan really does care. what am i thinking? he doesn't care about me, he cares about this baby. it is only 5 weeks old and has been through so much, after he/she is born i don't want it to suffer anymore.

after another 3 hours of hell it was time to go home. when i got home i went up to my room and did all of my homework. then chan called me. i forgot i even had his number.

"hey chan. what's up?" i asked.

"i'm too much of a wimp to tell you in person." he said.

"what is it?" i asked.

"i like you. no, i love you. in a more than friends way." he said and i was shocked. i never expected those words to come out of his mouth.

"jeongin?" he asked since i hadn't said anything in a good 20 seconds.

"oh. well...i mean i don't like you in that way." i said.

"oh i'm sorry i told you. i should have kept it to myself. bye." he said sounding really mad, sad and disappointed.

"chan wait!" i said but he already hung up on me.

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