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chan pov

it has been one month since christmas. jeongin is 2 and a half months pregnant or 10 weeks. you can't really see his bump if he is wearing more than a t-shirt, which is most of the time since it is winter. the doctors say that in about 2 weeks it will be somewhat noticeable.

we are actually on our way to the first ultrasound. most women would get their first ultrasound at 18 to 20 weeks but since jeongin isn't female there is more of a risk for complications so they want to do an ultrasound now.

"are you ready to see him/her?" i asked jeongin when he got into the car.

"yeah. i really want to see him/her." he said and gave me a peck on the lips.

we drove in silence, not awkward silence but comfortable silence. i was thinking about if the baby was a girl or boy, but i had to wait another 3 months to know that.

we walked into the clinic and checked in. jeongin did some paperwork and then we were called back. we went into this little room with computers and other things.

"hello. what are your names?" the doctor asked. 

"i'm chan. and this is jeongin." i said.

"jeongin can you just lay down on the bed for me?" she asked nicely to jeongin.

jeongin did as told and then she said "lift up your shirt a little please." and he did as told. his baby bump was kinda cute actually. "this gel will be a little cold." she said as she spread some blue gel on his stomach.

"if you look at the screen you can see your babies." the last word she said shocked me.

"babies? as in more than one baby?" i asked.

"yes. it looks like you're having twins. congratulations!" she said happily.

i looked over at jeongin he was crying. happy tears of course. it made me almost cry. i teared up a little but didn't really cry.

"are they healthy?" jeongin asked.

"so far they look pretty good, they are smaller than usual but since this is your first pregnancy and it's twins that's fine. do you want to hear their heartbeats?" she said.

"yeah." i said.

she clicked something on the keyboard and the sound of fast heartbeats could be heard throughout the room. that is what made me cry, i couldn't hold it in after i heard that sound of life.

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