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jeongin's pov

i woke up and i was in the hospital. right when i woke up a doctor came over to me and told me exactly what had happened. turns out i am pregnant. god damn it.

they also explained that i almost killed my baby because i drank a lot of alcohol. i felt absolutely terrible about it. i cried for awhile before i fell asleep. when i woke up my mom was shaking me.

"hmm?" i said still half asleep.

"how did you manage to get yourself pregnant at 16?!" she half yelled at me.

"i....i was drunk." i said.

"that is a terrible excuse. you aren't even old enough to drink. and i thought you were innocent. plus...who's the dad?" she was starting to rant.

"it's chan i think." i said.

"i thought you hated chan. and doesn't he bully you?" she asked.

"i do hate chan and he does bully me. i already told you why we slept together, we were both really drunk." i said.

"i know, i know. just i want to tell you i'm not mad at you. i'm a little disappointed but it's nothing i can't get over. hyunjin, seungmin and jisung probably want to know what happened so i will leave now." she said and kissed my forehead.

after she left the room all my friends came in. and minho...for some reason.

"okay what the fuck happened?" seungmin asked. i was surprised at first because seungmin never curses. but whatever.

"well first of all..." i took a second and sat up in the bed. "i'm pregnant and the kid is chan's. don't ask about that. and i'm here because i drank so much while pregnant that i almost killed my child so for some reason i started to die too. i don't know i'm not a doctor." i said.

"yang jeongin! how could you get yourself fucking pregnant?" hyunjin somewhat angrily yelled at me.

"you are still drunk hyunjin. and it is like 3am you should get some sleep. also i don't know how you yelling at me is going to help anything." i said.

hyunjin left the room almost falling over several times. all my friends were silent for a minute before bursting into laughter.

"wait. before anything else crazy happens, why is minho here?" i asked.

"oh...we're together now. he asked me a few hours ago." jisung said.

"also. i'm not friends with chan anymore. before i left the bar i yelled at him for like 10 minutes." minho said.

"cool." seungmin said looking a little jealous.

"are you jealous that hyunjin hasn't asked you out yet?" i asked seungmin and he blushed a little before slapping my arm.

"no." he said.

"sure you aren't." i said and we all laughed. i had almost forgotten that i ruined my life.

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