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jeongin pov

today is the day that i meet my real parents. i have been freaking out all day. the twins are very confused and chan is trying his best to make me calm down but i just can't.

"what if they hate me? what if they are homophobic?" i asked chan worriedly.

"they want to meet you, you are there son so i'm sure they will like you. and they asked who i was and when i said i was your husband they didn't seem to mind." chan said and i nodded.

"but what if-" i said but chan cut me off.

"no more what if's. they are going to love you." chan said.

"ok...i believe you." i said and he kissed my forehead. just then the doorbell rang.

"shit! they're here." i said loudly.

"don't curse the kids are here." chan said quickly.

"i don't give a fuck right now." i said starting to freak out.

"clam down baby." chan said and kissed my cheek softly. which he knows will immediately calm me down.

he walked to the door and looked out the window before opening it. it was a couple, my parents, i immediately thought about how much they looked like me. i had my mom's nose and lips and my dad's eyes. 

"hey jeongin..." my mom said starting to tear up.

"hey...mom..." i said slowly also starting to tear up.

"just come here." she said and held out her arms.

i ran into them and gave her a big hug. she kissed the top of my head and said that she missed me and kind of regretted giving me away. which just made me let out a few tears. after we pulled away i saw chan talking to my dad and my dad telling him that he better take good care of me.

"appa! dad! who are you talking too?" kyung mi asked as she walked into the room. i stopped crying the best i could.

"why are you crying appa? are you sad?" hyunjae asked as she walked in right after her sister.

"no. i'm not sad, i'm crying because i'm happy. do you want to meet your grandparents?" i asked them and they both vigorously nodded.

i laughed and they ran over to my parents and chan.

"i didn't know you two had kids. how old are they?" my dad asked.

"oh. they're six..." i said slowly.

"aren't you only 23? you had them when you were 17?" my dad asked.

"don't scold him, we haven't seen him in 23 years." my mom said.

"at least they are chan's." i said which made chan laugh a little.

"how long have you two been married?" my dad asked.

"like 8 months. we started dating when i was 16...like 4 months after i got pregnant with the twins." i said.

"do you want to go sit in the living room?" chan asked and they nodded.

we went to the couches, my mom and dad sitting on the smaller couch and chan, the twins and i on the larger couch.

"do you have anymore kids?" my mom asked breaking the silence. 

"well...two days ago we found out that there is another on the way..." i said.

"your pregnant?" my dad asked.

"yeah. just like 2 weeks though." i said with a smile putting a hand on my stomach.

"do you have any other kids than jeongin?" chan asked them.

"nope, we didn't really ever want to have kids so we decided not to have any more. plus...jeongin was born when i was 15." my mom said.

"oh i understand. i'm glad that i didn't abort or put kyung mi and hyunjae up for adoption. without them i would have never even met chan anyways." i said.

"true." chan said.

"did we at least choose good people to raise you, jeongin?" my dad asked after a long pause.

"yeah. but if you didn't know, one of them passed away over 10 years ago...and then my other mom remarried to a boring guy, but i guess he is okay. then when i was 4 months i think, they kicked me out and i have lived with chan ever since." i explained.

"oh..i'm so sorry to hear that. at least you have a good life now." my mom said.

"yeah. i guess we do live pretty good lives now." i said.

imagine the rest.


i'll update either later tonight or tomorrow...it will be the last chapter...

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