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jeongin pov

i have texted chan like 50 times and called him at least 10 times. i don't want him to hate me for rejecting him. i want us to be friends so that we can raise a kid together. and honestly i kinda have a crush on chan. but i definitely want to wait to make sure it isn't just a middle school crush.

i don't want to date and go through the stress of caring for another person other than my baby right now. i want to be alone mostly, but i also want the father to be around me. i don't know why but chan is right, i do like his presence.

i walked into school today hoping to see chan and tell him why i rejected him. but he wasn't there. the whole day i worried about him, i thought about skipping classes to go to his house. but i didn't and waited the whole fucking day to leave that hell. and during that hell i thought about it a lot and decided that i really do love chan i just need to accept it. accepting is always the last step.

after the last bell rang i quickly went to my locker to get all my things and then walked quickly out of the school. i got in my car and drove off before i realized that i don't know where chan lives.

i called minho and asked him. minho was really confused but still gave me the address. i drove there in like 2 minutes because it was really close.

i walked up to the door and knocked. a girl, probably only a few years younger than me opened the door. 

"who are you?" she asked.

"i'm jeongin." i said.

"i don't know you. why are you here?" she asked.

"i'm the one that chan got pregnant. i need to talk to him, is he here?" i said.

"oh. he is in his room, he didn't go to school today because someone rejected him." she said.

"i'm the one that rejected him..." i said.

"his room is upstairs, the first one on the right." she said and then went back to the couch where she was playing video games with some guy.

i went upstairs and knocked on chan's door. 

"what is it, nayeon?" he asked.

"actually it's jeongin." i said.

it took him a second to respond but he said "just a second."

he let me in after a minute. i looked around his room, he had posters of a lot of kpop boy bands and he had a really nice computer and a mic on a desk in the corner of his room. he also had a guitar sitting in another corner.

"what are you doing here?" he asked.

"i knew that you didn't come to school because of me so i wanted to make you feel better. even though i rejected you i still care about you." i said.

"i was hoping that you would say you loved me too. i guess i broke up with woojin for no reason." he said.

"you broke up with woojin?!" i asked.

"yeah. i honestly don't like him that much anyway. i know that he loves me a lot, but he can get over me eventually." he said.

"i'm sorry chan. but just so you know i actually do love you back. i just don't want to date right now because i'm afraid of hurting my baby. maybe i'll date you once i'm 5 months, if i still have feelings for you." i said.

"you really love me to?" he asked confused.

"yeah. i do." i said and the next thing i didn't expect to happen was that chan kissed me. i didn't pull away, i actually kissed back. but chan pulled away.

"sorry. i don't know why i did that, i just..." he said but i interrupted.

"couldn't control yourself?" i said and kissed him again. this time he deepened the kiss and almost forcefully slid his tongue into my mouth. it lasted for awhile before i had to breath and pulled out.

"remember. we aren't dating. but i still love you." i said.

"i love you too. but what does that make us?" he asked.

"well...i want to be in a relationship with you but i don't want us to always be with each other and i don' want to go out on dates either. i just want us to be together when we completely want to be." i said.

"so...you will you still be my boyfriend?" chan asked.

"sure." i answered. after that we spent the rest of the day talking and maybe kissing a fe- a lot more times. until i had to go home at 6pm for dinner.

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