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jeongin pov

chan and i walked into school next to each other. we would hold hands but it's just...high school. i really don't want to be at school right now since this hoodie didn't cover my giant bump. i am going to be 7 months and like 2 weeks pregnant when school ends. 

"chan?" i asked.

"yes babe?" he asked.

"what am i going to do? my bump is visible and people are going to notice." i said.

"it isn't like it has gotten any bigger in the two days we haven't been at school." he said with a cute smile.

"you're right." i said and leaned closer to him. he wasn't that much taller than me, only like an inch but he seemed a lot taller and i liked it that way.

we had first and second period together and then the rest of the day we had no classes together. on my way to third period someone stopped right in front of me causing me to run into them.

"oh i'm sorry." i said and started to walk around them but i was stopped.

"you think sorry is going to fix everything?" i heard the voice and noticed it was felix. i hadn't noticed before, i must be tired.

"n-no. but nothing is going to change the fact that i don't like you. you nearly killed me once." i said and tried to keep walking but he grabbed my arm, the feeling being all too familiar.

"get your fucking hands off of me." i said sternly.

"you think that i would just let go that easily?" he asked and dug his fingers into my wrist, right on my veins. it hurt really bad and i wanted to scream. 

"stop! it hurts!" i yelled drawing attention to us.

"well...i can't really do anything else to you since you're over 6 months pregnant now, right?" he asked.

"leave me alone. chan can come and kill you later." i said.

"oh, so you're gonna tell on me to your boyfriend? how cute." he said and let go of my arm only to grab me by the hair.

just then i heard someone yell "leave him alone! he never did anything to you!" it was chan. why was he here though? he is supposed to be in gym right now.

"yes he did!" felix yelled back.

"what? what did i do to you?" i asked him.

"i mean...you rejected me." he said quietly.

"yeah. because i have a boyfriend that i love! and you had one who still loves you! changbin would still get back together with you, felix." i said.

"just for the record, he's right. i would get back with you if you stopped being a jerk and only using me for sex because i really do like you." changbin said from out of nowhere.

"i'm sorry changbin." felix said and let go of my hair. i immediately ran into chan's arms after that. and when i say ran i meant i walked kind of fast.

"it's okay, felix. i know the things you go through." changbin said and pulled felix down into a kiss. at first felix seemed surprised but then he kissed back it looked like.

"can we go home?" i asked chan.

"i think we should." chan said and we both laughed.

"changbin! keep felix under control from now on." i yelled down the hall.

"i'll try my best!" he yelled back.

then we walked out of school without getting caught and chan drove us back home. after about an hour of just sitting in my bed all my friends started texting me about what they heard happened during third period.


group chat with minhoe, jinnie👑, jisung-.-, minnie^_^, and channie💕

jisung-.- : wtf happened?

me: a lot

channie💕: yeah, a lot.

jinnie👑: does felix actually like you, jeongin?

minnie^_^: yeah, does he????

me: he said he does but at the end of the fight he kissed changbin and they walked down the hall together so i'm going to say no

channie💕: felix really is something. i can't believe i was ever his best friend.

jinnie👑: me either. you are so nice and he is so cruel, how did you two even meet in the first place?

jisung-.- : how did you meet? 

jinnie👑: i literally just asked him that -_-

jisung-.- : whatever. answer the question.

channie💕: if you two shut up i would

me: just type it out babe

channie💕: ok, ok i am. we met in freshmen year when felix just moved to korea from australia. since i'm also from australia and speak english, i helped him learn korean. and then we became friends after, he was really nice and happy at the time. then something happened that he wouldn't tell me and he became a completely different person. so yeah, that is me and felix's story.

minnie^_^: that was a long story

jisung-.- : is that why you were also a bitch back in the day?

channie💕: probably.

me: minho, why haven't you said anything? i know you are on the chat.

minhoe: idk i was just reading your conversation

me: wow.

jinnie👑: bye guys it is almost fourth period

minhoe: see ya, bitches

minnie^_^: bai

jisung-.- : byeee

channie💕: bai everyone

me: ttyl


well that chapter wasn't the best...i tried and i'm so fucking sorry that i haven't updated in what seems like 10 years.

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