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chan pov

i left the hospital because now that i knew jeongin and our baby were okay i didn't really see why i needed to stay. it is 8am and it's a friday but luckily it is a teacher work day and we don't have school.

i drove back to my house and was surprised to see my dad there. he was in the kitchen making breakfast. he usually leaves for work at 6am but i guess not today. 

"where have you been?" he asked me.

"i was visiting jeongin in the hospital." i said.

"oh. what happened?" he asked.

"he almost had a miscarriage, it's a long story." i answered.

"your mom almost had a miscarriage when she was pregnant with you. it was scary." he said. any mention of my mom made me miss her. she died giving birth to my little sister, nayeon. I was only 3 when it happened but i still remember her even though it has been 15 years.

"well now i guess i know how it feels." i said.

"it is a terrible feeling. and tell me the long story." he said with a little smile.

"well...felix punched him in the stomach and stressed him out a lot. which caused him to almost have a miscarriage. i found him in the hallway unconscious and took him to the nurse and she called 911. it was only yesterday but he gets to go home today i think." i explained.

"well i have to get to work. i made breakfast for you and your sister." he said.

"bye dad. i love you." i said.

"bye. i love you too." he said and left the house. 

i went upstairs to wake up nayeon but she wasn't there. shit. i called her but she didn't answer her phone. i bet she is at her boyfriend's house. i got in my car and headed towards his house. i needed to know that she was okay. she said i was overprotective and i guess i kinda am but i don't care.

i got to his house and knocked on the door. but instead of her boyfriend, jinho, answering the door felix answered. i know that it is kinda weird but my sister is dating felix's little brother.           

"oh hey chan. what's up?" felix asked. i wanted to punch him in the face for what he did to jeongin yesterday.

"is my sister here?" i asked.

"she slept with my brother last night. i'm pretty sure they are still asleep." felix plainly said.

"well go get her for me." i said.

"you are so demanding, but sure i will be right back." he said and he let me in and then closed the door. they had a really big fancy house since they were rich. i was always a little jealous whenever i went into the house. my house wasn't that small but it barely has any furniture or decoration because we can't afford it. my dad hasn't even paid off all his loans yet.

after about 10 minutes my sister and felix both came back downstairs. my sister looked really tired and kind of a mess but she usually does anyway.

"bye felix. see you later." i said.

"bye chan." he said and nayeon and i left the house.

right when we got in the car i said "why did you have sex with jinho?! you are only 15 last time i checked." i said kind of angrily. "do you even know what could've happened?! you could be pregnant for all i know." i continued.

"i'm sorry chan. it all just...happened." she said innocently.

"it's okay. i can't stay mad at you anyway. but there is a reason i'm so serious about it." i said.

"why?" she asked.

"because...i got a boy i barely know pregnant. a month ago." i said. i thought i should probably tell her since she was the only one that didn't know in my small family.

"you did what?!" she asked.

"we were both really drunk. but what i'm saying is that he is only a year older than you. you don't want to end up pregnant at 16, do you?" i asked.

"no. of course not. i want to go to college and have a career before i have kids." she said.

"exactly. so if you are going to have sex don't be stupid like me. also don't drink until you are old enough to. i'm a terrible role model." i said with a sigh.

"no you aren't chan. you made one mistake. it may have been a really big mistake but it was still a mistake. everyone makes mistakes. and at least you are mature enough to tell me what not to do so that i won't make the same mistake." she said. she is just like my mother and that is why i protect her so much. i couldn't live without her.

a/n: i made chan's entire backstory as i wrote it and i think i did pretty good.

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