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chan pov

~this takes place at the same time as the last chapter before they make up~

when jeongin and i had gotten into a fight i went to the cafe and met yugyeom there. it has been an entire month since his accident and he is back to normal other than the broken leg.

"hey yugyeom." i said as yugyeom sat down.

"so, why do you need to see me?" he asked. "have you been crying?" he asked noticing my puffy eyes and saddened expression.

"yes i have been crying. jeongin and i got into a pretty big fight because i said that i was having second thoughts on my decision." i explained.

"oh. bambam and i have gone through the same thing when bambam said he was having seconds thoughts." he said.

"what do you mean?" i asked.

"when bambam was 16 and i was almost 16 but still 15, i got bambam pregnant...at first he was going to keep it because he really didn't want to kill our child. since i was only 15 i really only thought, 'what am i going to tell my parents?' but i said i supported him in whatever he wanted to do. after a month he decided to abort the child..." yugyeom said and after i saw he was nearly crying.

"it's okay yugyeom...i'm sure jeongin had those thoughts at the beginning too." i said trying my best to keep him from crying.

"he or she would have been almost 2 years old now..." yugyeom slowly said.

"don't cry yugyeom...it's okay.....do you want to go visit bambam?" i ask.

he didn't answer, he just nodded slightly. we got up and went to his car since i walked. i drove the short drive to the hospital. we entered bambam's room and he saw the tears on yugyeom's face and immediately got worried.

"what's wrong, baby?" he asked with worry.

"i just suddenly remembered the.......you know." yugyeom said slowly and then started to cry softly.

bambam hugged yugyeom tightly even though it probably hurt him really bad. 

"i'll leave you two alone...i have to fix my relationship anyway." i said.

"wait. you don't have a way to get home...i don't want to make you walk." yugyeom said.

"it won't take me that long to walk home...it's fine, stay with bam right now." i said and left the room slowly.

~back to where we left off in the last chapter~

we left the tiny room that we had just made out in the see nayeon standing there shocked. i guess jeongin forgot to close the door...at least my dad is on a business trip.

"did you just watch up make out?" i asked.

"maybe...it wasn't intentional, i just heard you and looked to see what the noise was and then i couldn't take my eyes away..." she said and we both laughed.

"whatever nayeon, you're weird." jeongin said and we went to our room.

~to make it easier for my writers block. skip two months into the future~ 

jeongin pov

i am now 6 months pregnant and it is so fucking hard to hide my bump. i wear chan's hoodies and sweat pants. 

but i am actually in a really good mood today because chan and i are on our way to the doctor to find out the genders of the babies and see how they are doing.

"what do you think they will be?" i asked.

"i think a girl and a boy.." chan said thinking about it really hard.

"i think they will both be girls." i said. i don't really know why but i can just feel it.

"as long as they are healthy, i don't really care. but two girls would be hard because we both know nothing about girls." he said and the ending made me laugh.

"same. and you're right, we both know nothing about girls. but we will be living with hani so she can help us if they are both girls." i said.

"yeah. i keep forgetting that in only like 3 months we will have 2 beautiful children." he said and i nodded, thinking deeply about it.

"we're here." chan said snapping me out of my thoughts.

we got out of the car and walked in, then checked in and waited. we only had to wait like 5 minutes but it felt like forever considering the fact that we were gonna find out the genders.

"yang jeongin." a nurse said and we walked back with her.

"i will be right back." the nurse said and left the small room.

it was starting to get pretty hard to move around with my large bump. i barely slept anymore so i always looked tired and my back hurt pretty much constantly. at least i rarely have morning sickness now. maybe once in 2 weeks at this point.

i sat down on the table and held my back in pain.

"are you okay?" chan asked worriedly.

"yeah. my back just hurts." i said and he nodded. he understood that because of all the extra weight my back hurt and my feet were swollen.

"i'm back." the nurse said happily as she opened the door.

"can you just lay down and lift up your hoodie a little?" she asked nicely and i nodded doing what i was told.

"do we get to know the genders today?" chan asked as she placed the stick and the blue gel on my stomach.

"yes. it is a very exciting day. you could have known them for a month if we had availability then. 

"it's fine. i am really excited to know the genders though." chan said.

"you guys want to make a bet on what they are?" she asked with a smile.

"ok...if i'm right then you have to clean the entire house." i said.

"ugh fine. i don't even know what you can do very easily anymore. um...you have to make me dinner every night for a week." chan said.

"deal?" i asked.

"deal." he agreed.

"you two are cute. what are your guesses?" she asked.

"i think that it is a boy and a girl." chan said.

"and i think that it is two girls." i said with a smirk, i just had a gut feeling that i as right. motherly instinct, right?

"jeongin you're correct. it is two girls, i'm pretty sure." she said.

"we're both gonna have no idea what to do." chan said cutely.

"like i said, we are going to live with my sister so...she can help." i said.

"how did you know?" he asked.

"motherly instinct." i said and we all laughed.

but then...i had to go to school. i wish i could just skip, i already missed two classes by having to go to the doctor.


that was all over the place, i'm sorry. if you are confused at all in line comment here-

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