Chapter 9:out of my head

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B!Wirt's POV

That's weird...its been a last couple of hours and the girls should be out of her room with her, but...what am I doing?! She's just a girl I just met and now...this? Why can't i get her out of my head...? This is like when i was out there, far away from this hell-hole. The same feeling is happening again, and for the fact that this is happening with the girl I just met! Seriously Wirt?! You're the lantern bearer and you're falling for a mere-mortal! Wait...I sounded just like Bill...What the hell?!

As I try to concentrate I saw Bill looking straight right at me, he looks shock and at the same time angry, but his face doesn't show it. He kept a blank look, but I can feel his range and curiosity. I raise an eyebrow at him,

"What is it?" I sternly asked, he looked at me as if his thoughts were interrupted and looked surprise,

"Huh?" That's all he could say? Is he that deep into his thought that he can just kill me with a gaze? And then realized what he said, he smirked, going back to his asshole attitude.

"Oh, nothing-"

"Then why are you staring at me as if you wanted to kill me?" I spat back before he could finish his sentence. His smirk fade away, replaced with a glare. What is wrong with him.

"I said it's nothing you sack of shit." He said standing up from his seat and headed for the stairs then went to the south wing where his room was. Seriously...what is wrong with that Demon??

D!Marco's POV

that scent is must find or see who it belongs to and mark it as mine, it will be mine, she doesn't have a choice--wait a minute...I sounded just like that girl in that video game that I played, no Yandere stuff but I just want that scent onto me, and only me. No matter what the cost is, I will try my best to have that scent to only me.

I part down a room, and the scent is getting stronger, I can hear Star and Mabel's voice in there, and the scent was just strong enough for me to get weak, does that girl realize what power she can do to me?! I was about to open the door when the left room's door was open none other by Tord himself.

"What're you doing?" He asked, That thick Norwegian accent is everything! Instead of showing a happy face, I showed an annoyed one.

"Its not of your business." I said rolling my eyes, he growled.

"You better stay away from that girl. She's mine."

"Who told you?" I smirked he glare down, but with a smirk,

"I do, I'm a leader remember."

Then he left. I was dumbfounded for a moment there. He's right, but I'm not standing down from the game, you stupid assholes, she's mine. Its doesn't matter who I go up against.

Ice King! Finn's POV

I over heard their conversation, Now Wirt, Bill, Marco, and Tord are in the game of falling for my (Name)!? I'm not letting them get all handy and free of what's mine...

I saw Bill walking up to the south wing as he notices me. He gave me a smirk instead of a smile then walk up to me.

"What are you doing frosty??" He asked in a singing tone, I sigh and knit my brow.

"Non of your business wretched demon." I said coldly like my powers, he acts as if he's offended.

"Sheesh, everyone is being cold to me...except for that other Mexican demon!" He said then gave me a grin, "Anyway, why are you snooping around the east wing? Your room is in the west!

"I said its non of your business!" I said then left him there. He chuckled,

"Poor naive kid, were you going to visit her instead of leaving? I was just about to ask you if we could visit her together." I stopped dead at my tracks, "And Mabel is inside of that room."

Third person's view

Kill her.

The thought came across Mabel's mind, she looked at the girl as the girl laugh with Star's jokes and puns. Mabel grit her teeth, she just...can't get her hand on her, she too...nice, too kind...too generous.

I won't kill her. I won't.

But why though.

Because she might change us.


"Are you okay Mabel?" She heard her talk with that angelic voice. She shook her head and smile, but her eyes shows that she's not okay, but the girl bought it.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine."

I won't kill her.

Heyy, I'm sorry I didn't get to post this at Christmas eve. I'm just so lazy I couldn't find the right time to publish this chapter! I'm sorry...

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