Chapter 14: You're awake

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

The sound of defibrillator surrounds the white room, 8 kids were laying on the bed sleeping soundly, some of them are badly injured and some of them are stuck in a coma, including you.

You tried to get rid of the beeping sound out of your head but it just put your eyes open wide, realizing you were finally awake. You tried to sit down as the fluffy pillow behind supports you to get up, grunting a little you finally sat up.

Looking around the room, you unfamiliar faces, but, it felt like you knew them. Getting the thought aside, You heard a gasp.

You turn your attention to that sound seeing a woman in a nurse outfit covering her mouth.

"You're finally awake!" She said in disbelief as she sprinted outside of the room. Giving yourself a confuse look.

You sigh trying to remember everything. How long were you out?

The doors of the room burst open as you flinch looking straight who did it. You saw a 22 years old female with Multi-colored hair the same with the male beside. Both of them were panting as they ran towards you, mostly the girl giving you the biggest hug.

"Oh, Holy crap...YOU'RE AWAKE!" She shouted beginning to sob on your shoulder, you gave them a confuse look,

"You don't remember us?" The male asked, you stayed quiet, shooking your head, The male sigh.

"I'm Avix, And that's my sister, Avis. We're twins." He introduce, then something behind your brain triggers to remember them.

You tried to speak up, "What am I doing here? And...who are they?" You asked, two questions. Avis straighten up her posture as she gladly answers your questions.

"First question, You were missing and was badly injured when we found you, Second Question, Those were the kids that we found besides you who have been missing for the last few years." She answered, Slightly lowering down her as she look at the other patients.

"L-last questions..." you mumble under you breath as you look at the twins. Both of them stare at you as you stare back at them.

They both hummed signaling that you should speak up. You gulp,

"How long was I out?" You asked, your voice a bit hoarse.

"3 years."


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