Part 18.

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So today I have to go to the doctors for my ultrasound and I was so excited to know the gender of my baby. So I got up took a shower brushed my teeth and just threw on a regular shirt and some joggers and did my hair. And I text trey.

Me: hey I'm ready
Trey: alright I'm picking you up after I leave the barbershop.
Me: no nigga it's a certain time.
Trey: Alr damn I'm on the way.

So after I text him I ate some cereal "morning" lanzo said hugging me " morning" I said hugging him back " you happy" he asked " yes I'm excited" I said smiling then I heard a honk from outside and it was trey " alright bye zo trey here "I said walking out" alright bye" he responded so I made it to the car and trey got out and opened the door for me. " wassup baby mama" he said smiling " hey trey" I said dry "I'm sorry Aaliyah" he said " it's cool but tell your bitch to stop texting me" I said " who?" He asked " Ashley... remember the one you cheated on me with" I said being petty "that's not my girlfriend" he said smacking his lips.

Finally make it to the doctors....

So we finally made it to the doctors and trey helped me out the car. So we walk in the lobby and we walked up to the lady at the desk " hello how may I help you?" She asked "I'm here to see my doctor his name is Doctor Tiller" I said "ok right now he has a patient" she said " ok" I said me and trey went and set down waiting after 5 minutes the lady finally called us "Aaliyah jones" she said and me and trey walked back to the desk " you are going straight down the hallway" she said "ok thank you" I said walking away so we finally made it to room and the doctor was setting things up "hello I'm doctor tiller" he said shaking my hand " I'm Aaliyah" I said smiling so we got started and he made me lay down on the bed "imma need you to pull up your shirt" he said I pulled up my shirt while he put the gel on my belly and he used the remote on my belly and I saw my baby and I started smiling hard trey started crying " do y'all wanna know the gender or be surprised" he asked " surprised" I said so the doctor left out to get the papers for us "so when we having this baby shower " trey asked " next weekend" I said so the doctor came back with the papers and we headed out and left.

I finally made it to Aaliyah house and while I was sitting in the car I saw a car pull up and I saw Aaliyah get out the car then I saw trey get out the passenger seat and they both hugged so I was confused. So I got out the car  "hey cuz" I said hugging her " hey" Aaliyah said hugging me " who's this?" I asked " this trey" she said     " y'all together" I asked "no" trey said so I just walked away and I saw some boy open the door "who are you? " alanzo asked " Aaliyah's cousin" I said walking in.

 So I got out the car  "hey cuz" I said hugging her " hey" Aaliyah said hugging me " who's this?" I asked " this trey" she said     " y'all together" I asked "no" trey said so I just walked away and I saw some boy open the door "who are you? " ala...

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Damn Aaliyah cousin is fine as hell "I'm Alanzo" I said " I'm Monica" she said "I'm Aaliyah's brother on her dad side"I said " and I'm her cousin on her mom side" she said smiling Monica was cute and sweet but I was with Kennedy and plus I'm having a family with her. So I had to keep my dick in my pants. "So is it a boy or girl" I asked Aaliyah " you will find out at the baby shower" she responded

I couldn't believe Monica was Aaliyah's cousin and plus Monica sitting up here flirting with Aaliyah's brother " hey Monica" I said dry " hey trey" she said smiling "come over my place with me later "I said licking my lips " alright" she said.

Trey I couldn't believe Monica was Aaliyah's cousin and plus Monica sitting up here flirting with Aaliyah's brother " hey Monica" I said dry " hey trey" she said smiling "come over my place with me later "I said licking my lips " alright" she said

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10 minutes later..

I hear a knock on the door I opened it and I see Monica fine ass " hey baby" I said " hey baby" she said kissing me then the next thing I know we in my bed and she lovin' it

Yes I slept with trey but I kinda lost interest in him once I saw Aaliyah's brother I wanted him and I'm gonna be with him so I leave trey house and I walk back to the house while i walk in I see Alanzo on the couch so I went to go sit next to him " hey cutie" I said smiling " wassup" he said smiling I leaned my lips to his and he moved his face "what you doing ?" He asked looking at me crazy "I thought you wanted to kiss me" I said " no I gotta girlfriend" he said while getting up leaving I felt so fucking dumb.

So I heard everything that happened downstairs so I didn't say anything I know she went over to trey house and they had sex then she come back trying to sleep with lanzo she is a hoe.Then 15 minutes later I get a call from Kennedy "What the fuck happened to yasmeen!!!" I screamed on the phone

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