Part 31.

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"Cmon Miya get up" I said tryna get her up for school. "Morning mommy" Miya said getting up rubbing her eyes. "Morning baby" I said pulling her into a tight hug. "It's time for school you go to bathroom and I'll be in there to put ya in the tub" I said leaving out. "K mommy" she said running to bathroom. I go in my room to wake trey up. "Cmon baby" I said shaking him tryna wake him. "I'm coming baby just 5 mo minutes" he said I signed and just walked back in to Miya room to her bathroom "ok let's get in the tub" I said starting the water after her bath was done I undressed her and put her straight in the tub. "Wash your feet to baby" I said "mommy?" Miya asked "yes baby" I said "I wanna lil brother or little sister" she said so as she said that trey happened to walk in "mommy will give you a brother and sister ok" I said "you can get a little brother or sister now" trey said I smirked at him. Miya was so excited she starting jumping up and down "ok time to get out" I said I grabbed her towel and I took her to the room and got her dress.

 Miya was so excited she starting jumping up and down "ok time to get out" I said I grabbed her towel and I took her to the room and got her dress

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I put some Overalls on her and a colorful long sleeve shirt under it. Then I brushed her hair up in to a ponytail. And I lotioned her with coco butter "now go sit down and watch tv until mommy and daddy ready" I said "k mommy" she said running downstairs. "My baby wanna sibling" trey said "I know" I said "let's give her one" trey said "trey let's wait till after Miya turns 3" I said sarcastically "her birthday is in two days liyah" trey said "uhh I'll think about it" I said going in the bathroom to take a shower.

I turn the water on I undress myself and I hop in the shower next thing I hear trey come in "please don't shit while I'm in here" I said serious "Ian gotta use it I came to shower with you" he said taking his shirt off he hop in with and he pulls me into a kiss and you already know what happened.

I turn the water on I undress myself and I hop in the shower next thing I hear trey come in "please don't shit while I'm in here" I said serious "Ian gotta use it I came to shower with you" he said taking his shirt off he hop in with and he pulls ...

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After I got myself dress I went downstairs while trey finish getting dress and I made Miya some cereal. "Mommy my birthday tomorrow" Miya said "no baby two more days and how old you gone be?" I asked smiling "thee" she said holding up three fingers. "What you want for your birthday?" I asked "brother or sister" she said Smiling hard. Trey happened to hear us and he said coming down "don't worry princess me and mommy working on it" he said picking her up kissing her forehead. "Hurry up baby so daddy can take you to school" I said she finished her cereal and I got her backpack and coat on and her and trey left.

I had some things to do today before I go to work I had to go get some things for Miya to wear for her photo shoot for her birthday so left the house and I went shopping. I make it to the mall and I chose to walk in rainbow and I got her something nice to wear and some little shoes she can wear after I left the mall I went to the toy store and bought her so many toys and a giant teddy bear to go in her room. So while I'm leaving out the store I ran into some guy "oh I'm sorry" I said "naw you good" he responded "can you carry that?" He asked "yea I'm fine thanks tho" I said "no problem I'm Chris by the way" he said "I'm Aaliyah" I said "nice name" he said "thanks it was nice meeting you but I gotta go" I said walking away.

So after I left my brothers house I had to go pick Miya up from school I make it to her school I pick her we on our way home now "you hungry Miya?" I asked "Yes daddy I starving" she said "ok let's go to a restaurant" I said "ok daddy" she said so I took her to Friday's restaurant and we both ate and we were on our way home. We make it home I realize Aaliyah home yet so I picked Miya up and carried her to the door I unlock the door and I put her on the couch.

"Daddy" Miya said rubbing her eyes "yes princess" I asked "I wanna watch frozen" she said "alright let's watch frozen" I said I put the movie on 15 minutes later she ended up falling asleep

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"Daddy" Miya said rubbing her eyes "yes princess" I asked "I wanna watch frozen" she said "alright let's watch frozen" I said I put the movie on 15 minutes later she ended up falling asleep. Aaliyah finally make it home She opens the door with bags all in her hand. "So you been shopping all day huh?" I asked "uh yea" she said smart "I already got her gift and she gone like it" I said "ok whatever" she said I picked Miya up and I took upstairs to put her in her bed. Aaliyah go in our room and she lays down I walk in the room like "oh hell naw we finna make this baby" I said "oh my god" Aaliyah said laughing "I'm tired maybe tomorrow" she said "alright bae I'll let ya sleep" I said

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