Part 33.

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"Girl your pregnant just relax" I said grabbing Aaliyah a cover. "I know girl but I just wanna be able to do things to" liyah said "yea I understand I'm just here to help you and my brother" I said and yes by the way trey is my younger brother and I been here to help him and Aaliyah. "Here you relax and I'll take miyah to the grocery store with me so I can pick something to make for dinner" I said "ok I'll wake her up" liyah said "no girl I got this" laughing while walking upstairs.

So tommie been here everyday with everything trey be at work everyday and since I'm pregnant I can't go to work. Tommie been taking miyah to school for me and I been feeling good and been relaxing. "Hi mommy" miyah said coming down the stairs happy while tommie carried her on her side. "Hey baby" I said hugging her "mommy your ok?" She asked "yes baby mommy ready for your brother to come" I asked

 "Hey baby" I said hugging her "mommy your ok?" She asked "yes baby mommy ready for your brother to come" I asked

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She set on the couch next to me then the dog jumps on the couch into my lap. "Hey tanky" miyah said rubbing his head. "Get your shoes on miyah so we can leave" tommie said "ok auntie tommie" she said tommie grabs her keys and they both leave. I put the news on until I gotta text from chris this guy that's my friend

Chris😋: wassup wyd liyah?
Me: I'm fine ready for my baby to come already.
Chris😋: lol he gone be here just wait😅
Me: lmao I know
Chris😋: need anything?
Me: no but thanks
Chris 😋: you welcome just hmu if you do.

I'm Chris and me and Aaliyah are just friends me and Aaliyah met in the mall and after that we've became friends I talk to her all the time when I don't have nobody to talk to Imma single father I have a beautiful daughter name royalty. Me and my baby mama were on and off and I realized I don't wanna be somebody with so I left her and I took my daughter with me.

"Daddy can I go to the park?" She asked "yes baby let's go before it gets dark" I said we both get ready and then we left and we walked down to the park we get to the park and I push royalty on the swings "higher daddy" she said In joy "ok baby do...

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"Daddy can I go to the park?" She asked "yes baby let's go before it gets dark" I said we both get ready and then we left and we walked down to the park we get to the park and I push royalty on the swings "higher daddy" she said In joy "ok baby don't let go" I said I
push her higher but then I stopped and I put her on the playground to play while I relax.

TreyI finally get home from work I walk in seeing Aaliyah crying I hurried and ran up to her "baby what's wrong?" I asked "my baby is coming" she said in madness "my son is coming" I said I helped her up "come on baby" I said walking her to the do...

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I finally get home from work I walk in seeing Aaliyah crying I hurried and ran up to her "baby what's wrong?" I asked "my baby is coming" she said in madness "my son is coming" I said I helped her up "come on baby" I said walking her to the door I walked her outside and put her in the car then I ran back in the house to get all the stuff for the baby.


We finally get to the hospital Aaliyah was rushed to emergency I hurried and called everyone up. I followed Aaliyah to the room and I was holding her hand before she gives birth. "It's ok baby" I said kissing her "look what you did to me trey!!" She screams the doctor comes in "push" he said Aaliyah pushes three and the baby finally came out. I automatically bust into tears.

My baby boy is here after she gave birth everyone came Miya runs in room "my brother" she screams in excitement I picked her up and seat her next to Aaliyah while was holding the baby "what's his name mommy?" She asked "Caiden" we both said everyone came in and all gathered around Aaliyah and was just happy for her until some nigga walks. 

"Hey Chris" she said in happiness "congrats" he responded I mugged him because I didn't know who the fuck he was. "Aye I'm trey her husband" I said "I'm Chris me and Aaliyah are just friends" he said. I already knew this was finna be some bullshit.

End of this chapter

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