Part 36 •last chapter•

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"You so cute when you tired" Aaliyah said taking a picture. I smiled afterwards "you play to much" I said shaking my head. "So when we gone spend some alone time together?" I asked Aaliyah

 "So when we gone spend some alone time together?" I asked Aaliyah

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I mean we do have two kids" she said in a duh tone .
I rolled my eyes back "yea you right" I said "I just miss us". She looked at me like I was crazy. "Trey we are not teenagers nomo, were parents and adults which means we have responsibilities I wish I can spend a whole day with you baby but you busy and so do I" she responded.

I mean what could I say she was right. "I understand baby don't even explain ya self" I said leaning kissing her lips ,She smiled. We made it back home from leaving the grocery store. I got out and carried the groceries in while Aaliyah opened the door.

Trey went upstairs to take a shower while I put the groceries up and me also starting the spaghetti for dinner. Until I kept hearing trey phone go off. Trey phone was sitting on the counter with messages blowing his phone up . I unlocked his phone and I went through it finding bitches all in his messages and dms. I shed ah tear..

I hear him getting out the shower . I walked upstairs into the room and started packing all my stuff with tears falling down my face. Trey comes in with his towel wrapped around him.

"Where you going?" He asked confused

"I'm leaving you " I said

"What the fuck...what happened?" He said coming behind me.

I turned around pushing him off me

"I'm taking my kids and I'm leaving" I said

"Look I'm sorry Aaliyah I love you baby" he said

"Trey please leave me alone" I said running downstairs with all my stuff in suitcases.

Trey ran behind me still in his towel

"Where you gonna go Aaliyah?"he asked

"Don't worry about that, worry about why you can't keep your dick in your pants" I shouted

Trey stood there witha blank face

"I'll be back to pick up my kids things" I said

I took my ring off leaving it on the floor by the door and I left out slamming the door behind me.

I went to my mom house where my kids were and stayed the night there. I cried myself to sleep knowing that I wasn't strong anymore and that I couldn't take it nomo with life.

I set on the stairs with my head in my hands feeling so dumb. I couldn't believe that I ruined my family and my marriage. I tried calling Aaliyah but she wouldn't pick up. I set there the whole night tryna figure things out.

3:00 am

*bam bam*

I hear a bang on the door waking me up. I get up rubbing my eyes and rushing downstairs. They continued banging. I opened the door seeing someone In all black with a black Ski mask. With a gun in his hand holding it in the middle of my face.


End of this chapter

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